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(I only added the song cause it just i don't know... Describes how I guess Ross is feeling? Idk...)

Ok Max.
Well. I lost Max.

Max's POV
Just remember Max... This is for Ross... For him... I got in my car and drove to the game shop where they told me to meet them. I knew who they were but, I just, don't want to believe it. When I got to the shop I got out of my car. Locking it I went inside to see a person looking over the Nintendo games. They were looking straight forward onto the... Majora's Mask. Ross's favorite game... (REAL FACT! He says it in his 2 truths 1 lie video with Barney) I walked over to them, they were short. "Hello." I gulped as I spoke to them. They didn't even look at me. "Hello, Max. I know who you love. But, that's not important..." I bit my lip trying not to scream in anger. Then they looked at me. I saw her calm brown eyes. (I honestly don't know any of the people in this book's eye color so I'm just gonna take wild guesses! XP) Her long, black hair trailing over her right eye like it's hiding something. "Staring now? Huh. I thought you only stared at Ross." I looked away. She knows... I didn't respond. "Well, Max. I thought you cared about everything involving Ross. Even if it's a dumb cat." My eyes widened. "Where's his cat?!" "Finnally noticed?" She laughed. "Max. You'll have to follow me to find boring old KP. She's a real bother you know?" I growled as she turned to the counter buying a game and left. I followed her out. We left my car and went in her's. When we began to drive to her apartment I noticed it looks a lot like the way I came. "So Max. How much do you love Ross?" I sighed. "More than anything." She giggled. "Good. Let's hope he feels the same..." We drove into a lot that I recognized. This is my apartment building! She intruded on my thoughts "Max. Stop trying to see into Ross's window and follow me please." She laughed. I wasn't trying to look in Ross's window. I blushed. Shit! She turned around slightly and laughed as we continued.

~~Magical Time-skip to next week!~~

Ross's POV
I stayed home from work today. Max hasn't come home since a week ago. Tim keeps trying to tell me something but I always ignore him or walk away. I looked at the floor. KP is gone too... I heard a knock at the door. Max?! I ran to it and opened it to see... Jess?! "H-hi Jess. I didn't know you were in t-town." She shrugged. "Nobody does." She invited herself in. "Sure. Let yourself in..." I mumbled. "Nice place. But it seems your missing something." She walked over to Max's room. "A Max and..." She went to the kitchen to see a half eaten bowl of cat food. "A KP." She gave a tiny smirk. I noticed it. "Where are they." She giggled. "Come." I sighed. "Only if it leads me to Max and my cat." She gave a long hm then looked me in the eyes. "How much do you love Max." It was more of a statement then a question. I hesitated before answering. "M-more than a-anything in the w-world." I felt a few tears roll down my face and wiped them away. She nodded. "Good. Good. Now, come." She left the apartment with me behind. "She turned around to me. "Floor 3 apartment A5. Go." She turned around got in her car and left. I saw a flash of ginger in her car before she zoomed off. I shrugged it off and went to the apartment she told me to. I walked inside. Unlocked. And heard a loud meow. "KP!" I ran through the apartment to see a cage with my beautiful cat. I let her out and hugged her tightly. She just purred. "I'll never let Jess harm you ever again ok. I swear on my life." KP purred. I picked set her on the floor and searched for Max. "Max!" I never got any reply. And after searching the place throughly I remembered. The ginger speak in her car. "JESS!!!" I picked up KP and brought her to my apartment and set her on the floor. I locked the door and got in Max's car. (Jess brought it back after she got Max. Hehe...) Breath Ross breath... You know how to drive. You can do this. I began to start the car and drove off.
I passes the offices. They were empty besides one car. I parked in the lot and went inside. I heard some footsteps come my way. I stopped in my tracks. They kept getting closer. When the owner of the steps turned the corner I screeched, making them screech too and falling backwards. I opened my eyes to see Tim. SHIT! "Tim?! Sorry!" He sat up. "ROSS?! How in the world did you get here?! It's like a 10 minute drive here let alone walk!" I shrugged. "That's besides the point. Tim. Jess in in town. She was living in one of the apartments above us. She had KP. Before I even went in her apartment she left. I remember seeing a flash of ginger hair in her car before it left. She even told me to go in the apartment." Tim's eyes widened as I spoke the last words. "I think she kidnapped Max." He nodded, "Based on the facts you give me, I agree. But where would she be?" "I-I don't know." I felt the tears roll down my face again. This time I let it happen. Tim hugged me for comfort. "Ross, can you please listen this one time?" I shakily nodded. He smiled, "Good. Before he left Max told me that he might never come back. But he did say one word before he slammed the door." I shot my head up still crying. Tim let me go. "What word?" "He said... Park." I nodded. I stood up and Tim followed me. "So, we going to the park." I nodded. Tim led the way and I scrambled into his car leaving Max's. I'll get it later...

Max's POV
My head. It hurts. Bad. I looked up to see a beautiful pond. I looked to my left and right to see just normal park scenery. When I looked down though... I saw my left hand was tied to the arm hold and my right to the bar connecting to the back of the bench. I began to struggle. I heard a soft voice behind me laugh. "Max. Stop struggling. Ross has KP." I feel a single tear roll down my face, unable to wipe it away I let it fall. "B-but what about me..." She laughed. "Who even cares about you of all people?! You haven't gotten a single text or phone call from your phone since I knocked you out! That was even a week ago! So don't bother thinking your little narwhal will be here any time soon. I just wanted to give you some, fresh air." She snickered as she walked away from me and towards the pond. She stood there. Looking over the pond. I felt myself pass out after a while.
When awoke I heard Jess scrambling back towards me. I opened my eyes to see her tripping on her way over. Why is she in such a rush to get to me? I saw her scared eyes as she grabbed a knife out of her pocket and grab my neck with her hand. Then I hear it. Why she was in such a rush to come over. "MAX!!!" Ross.... Then I saw as Jess gave me these saddened eyes and the knife came closer, and closer. Only getting faster as it dove towards me. Then it all went black.

Jess's POV
"I'm sorry Max..." I stared down at him. I dropped the knife and heard an angry screech from Ross and Tim "ROSS NO!" Then I fell and it went black for me as well... I deserve this... Jin.. If I wake up... Your gonna get it...

What do you think will happen? All I know is drama. Hehe... And why is she after Jin? HMMMM!!! Also the POV notifiers (the things that go Ross's POV) ya. I'll change those next chapter. Anyways, by loves! <3
~Mango Has A Lot Planned And Is Trying Not To Cry As She Remembers Who Broke Her Heart A While Ago As She Listens To This Song

An Already Walked Upon Story  Mithzan X Ross Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now