I Hope

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Sorry I haven't updated guys!
It's fine!
If you say so Max...
Ok. Be aware of tears!

I felt tears run down my face as I sat in my office. Why did it have to end up like how me and Jin did? I didn't want this to happen with Max too! I hate my life! I'm so stupid!
I looked through my window to see Max still standing here I left him. Tears ran down his face as well, and Tim had his hand on Max's shoulder trying to reassure him. Max turned to him and buried his face into Tim's chest. Tim rubbed his back in comfort, adam came up to the two and Tim turned to him saying something. Tim made Max look up at him. He said something and Max slowly shook his head saying something in return and leaving Tim to go to his station.
Adam came to my door and knocked, i stood up and opened the door o him he stared at me. "The fuck did you di to Max dude?" I felt my hands go into fists, he noticed it. "The fuck did I do?! Ask him the fuck did he do to me! Im not the one who ch-!" Adam stopped me. "I know he and Jin kissed. My question was, what did you do to him. Hes acting as if you two broke up." He said soft enough to where nobody else could hear him but i could.
I flinched at his words and he stared. "You-! First you break up with Jin, then that random girl, now Max!?" He whisper yelled, I stared at my feet letting the tears roll down my face.
I never wanted to be reminded that it as me who broke up with Jin. I looked up at Adam. "And i dont give a shit. Cus he deserved it!" I said it loud enough for max to hear, I know he heard me because he had unburried his face and looked at me then burried hs face again and began shaking with his crying and his pain inside. I huffed, the tears beginning to stop. Tim looked at me and shook his head. Adam's mouth gaped and I slammed the door in his face. I sat in my chair and turned it away from the door. I began to remember the real reason me and Jin weren't dating anymore instead of the version i told Max.

Reminded time memories brought to you by Back To The Future cuz I'm watching it

I walked into the offices to find Jin, he had told me that he had something planned for this afternoon and I was kind of exited. I hurried to his office to see him in his seat, I walked inside and snuck up behind him. "What's poppin' Jinbop?" He jumped and turned around in his seat to see me and laughed. "Hello love." I giggled.
"So. What do you have planned for tonight?" Jin chuckled. "Surprises!" I giggled at his response and hugged his neck. I set my head on his shoulder and smiled.
I leaned forward and kisses his cheek and heard sombody yell. "PDA IN THE OFFICE!"
PDA means public display of affection
I laughed and Jin growled. "Adam!" Adam laughed and continued on his way through the offices.
I smiled at Jin, "I'm going to my office ok?" Jin whimpered. "Ok love. See you later." I giggled and waved him bye and went to my office to records some videos.
-*tem skap*-
When I finished recording I hurried to Jin's office. He smiled at me as I walked in. "Ready for the surprise?" I nodded. He smiles and stood up, turning off his computer. I followed Jin out of the office making sure to tell Tim I'd be home later.
We got in his car and he drove me to hit place. When there he let me in and closed the door. I followed him to his room, as I walked inside he let out a low chuckle. "Jin? Whats-" he stopped me with a kiss. He grasped my waist and pulled me close to him making me gasp. He forced his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away from him quickly and he laughed.
"Think it's that easy huh?" He still had a tight grip on me and pushed me onto his bed I squeaked at his actions and he let out a short laugh. He let my waist go and his hands found their way under my shirt. He kissed me again, roughly, and his hands made me gasp. He once again forced his tongue into my mouth and this time I bit his tongue.
He pulled away fully, yelling. I scrambled off his bed and hurried to leave his room. He laughed. "Think I'm letting you off Scott free?" I opened the door quickly and ran to his front door, scrambling with the handle.
He grasped my waist from behind. "Oh princess~! I thought you loved me~!" He husked into my ear, witch made me squeak again. I finally got the door open when he pulled me away. "LET ME GO YOU PERVERT!" I screamed as i turned around in his arms.
He had a perverted smile on his face. His eyes full of lust. I pushed him away from me as he pulled me into a kiss, trying to pull of my shirt.
I glared at him as he did so. He got my shirt halfway off when I decided to knee him in his privates. He screamed in pain as I made a bee line to the door. He quickly composed himself and ran after me. I made it half way down his driveway to hear him yell after me. "Come back princess~! I wanna have a bit of fun~!" I continued running and pulled my phone out. I could hear him running after me as I began to text Tim.

T=Tim R=Ross
R: TIMM!!!
T: What Ross? No need to yell
T: y?
T: WAT?!!?
T: is his place far from the offices?
T: OK I'll pick u up there k?
T: K

I continued running, Jin after me. I finally got in view of the offices, I saw a single car in the last ot and I let out a sigh. I ran faster as I heard Jin still catching up. Tim gor out of his car and waved his arms at me I ran even faster. "C'MON PRINCESS~! I JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN WITH YOU~!" I finally reached tim and practically flew into his car. "GO!" Tim got in his car and drove off, I looked up behind us to see Jin standing there watching us drive off. "Thanks Tim." I sighed as I leaned back into my seat. He chuckled. "Well, now you know." I tilted my head. "Huh?" He laughed. "Always have me as your emergency contact for situations like this! Hahah!" I laughed. "Yah.... I'm also never dating a guy again! Heh..." Tim nodded. "You broke up with him?" I bit my lip. "Yah. I'm doing that right now." I pulled out my phone and went to Jin's contact. And began to text him.

Princess: Jin.
Jinboop: Hello princess~! Regret your decision on running away from my love~?
Princess: No. I'm breaking up with you you pervert
Jinboop: Aw~! Why princess~?
Princess changed his name to Ross
Ross: Cuz u just tried to rspe me!!
Ross: *rape
Jinboop: Aw~! Alrighty princess~! I'll always love you~!
Ross: idgaf
Jinboop: ?
Ross: I don't give a fuck
Jinboop: oh~. Well I'll take you someday or another now~.
Ross: no.
-Ross left the chat-

"I just did it." We were home by the time I finished. Tim nodded. "Give it." I have him my phone and he tapped my screen a few times before handing it back to me. "What did you-?" "Deleted his contact." I nodded. "Thanks Tim." He smiled at me before heading to his room. "Your welcome Ross."

End of floosh back

I stayed in my office, nobody interacting with me or trying to get me out. When we had to go Adam knocked on my door, I opened the door to him and he said I had to go. I sighed as I went through the routine before leaving.
As I left my office he grabbed my shoulder. "I didn't tell anyone. All they know is that you and Max had an argument. Ok?" I nodded and shouldered him away and went outside.
I watched as Max climbed into Tim's car. I got in my own car and drove behind them on our way home.

When we got home I watched as Max practically ran to his room, he slammed it closed behind him. I sighed as Tim gave me a confused look as he gave a short glance at Max's room. I looked away and Tim shook his head as he went into his room. I sat down on the couch and brought my knees to my chest.
After about ten minutes Tim came out of his room and peeked into the living room. "Ross. I suggest you stay away from Max. Just... in case. Ok?" I nodded. I notices he held a stuffed animal in has hand as he went into Max's room. I lied down on the couch, to tired and sad to go to my room.
I fell asleep on the couch thinking about how much of an ass I was today.

Was that good? Worth the wait? Well hope it was. Anywho! I'm gonna try and make these chapters long from here on out. I have an ending planned so be aware. I literally have all the chapter names from here on out planned so I'll be right to work on each one! Love you guys! 💙
~Mango Will Make It Up To You Guys Not In Next Chapter But The One After It


1700 words

An Already Walked Upon Story  Mithzan X Ross Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now