chapter...... ? ima just giv em names now. :I THIS IS CALLED: R-ross?

271 8 7

Uhm. Ya. Just go with the title. :I
I'm listening to bonetrousle (remix)
Be aware of crying guys if you looked at the multimedia shizz.
I am stupid. This morning i said SHAD shit is gunna go down in dis chaptah. *Face palm*

I growled as sombody pulled me out of bed. My blanket was half off me and my arm slung off the bed when I finally opened my eyes. I rolled onto my bed more to see Ross staring at me. "Maxeeyyy let's go!" He whined. I sighed and sat up, sending a candy wrapper or two flying. I rubbed my eyes and looked at Ross. He was so cute... I managed to slide off my bed and land on the floor with a thud. Ross laughed, "I'll be in the living room Maxey. Hurry up or we'll be late!" He hurried to the living room, leaving my on the floor.
I groaned as I sat up, then stood up. I quickly changed my shirt and shuffled to the living room to grab my shoes. When my shoes were on i went back to my room and grabbed my necklace, and out it on. *Alright let's go!" I say as I go. Back into the living room. Ross stood up and I hurried outside to see Tim in the car waiting. He gave a short laugh as I sit in the back. "Finally up sleepy head?" I shrugged, for the most part I'm awake. Ya. Tim began to pull out the parking lot and on the way to work.

-*-*-*Time skip brought to you by DJ Baby Mason*-*-*-

When we got to work I had this uneasy feeling in my heart that didn't feel right. I followed Ross into the offices, and Tim ran ahead of us, reaching the door about a minute before us. I turned to my left and kissed Ross on the top of his head. He smiled at me in return and we kept walking, for some reason I felt like I was being watched.... but by what?
When inside we were greeted by Adam, "Hey weirdos. We have a friend of yours Ross.... that ya might wanna see..." I could see Barney and Red hu hiding behind a corner watching. Ross looked to me and I nodded, letting his handgo. He followed Adam to where ever they were going. I made my way to my desk and began to work on a video. I was doing the finishing touches when somebody tapped my shoulder, I removed one headphone and let out a short hm? "Your Max.....right?" I turned my chair around to see a medium sized Asian guy. He was wearing a purple and white jacket and blue jeans. He had short blonde hair that covered his eye and the weirdest, most creepy smile. "Ya.... you are?" He laughed. Tim turned his head to look at me and we both shrugged. "Im Jinbop, or Jin. I used to work here." I made a straight face :I and shrugged. "Cool. I'm Max or Mithzan." He nodded. "Glad to finally meet." He smiled. I gave a short smile back and saw Ross leaning against a wall, his hands rubbing. His forehead. He slumped to th ground and burried his face into his knees. I stood up, "Give me a sec." I walked over to Ross, aware of the stare I was getting from Jin as I say beside my boyfriend and hugged him tightly.
"What's wrong beautiful?" I asked quietly. He was now crying into his knees, and I hugged him tighter, burying my face into his shoulder. "What's wrong....." Ross sniffled and quietly answered; "H-he promised t-to never c-come ba-back...... a-and he did..........." he let out more quiet sobs and so shushed him. "Dont worry Hun. It'll be fine. Let's go to your office so you can tell me more. M'kay?" Ross nodded, head still burried. I helped him up and glanced at Jin, who had his arms crossed and muttering under his breath. I helped Ross into his office and settled him down into his chair. I crouched in from on him and grabbed his hand tightly. "So what did he do?"

-*-*-*Time rewind brought to you by no fucks that were given*-*-*-

I hurried into the office, Tim right behind. I ran over to Jim's office and gave him a light kiss on the head. "Whats popping Jinbop?" I smiled. He smiled up at me. "My love for you." I giggled and hugged his neck. He stood up and I noticed there wasn't really anything in here besides muffin, a few games, and his computer. I noticed a few boxes in the corner of the office and stared into my boyfriend's eyes. "Whats-" he hugged me, "I'm leaving Ross...." I stayed put, about to cry. "Ross...... I'm sorry about this.... I still love you, you know that. Right?" I slowly nodded as he continued. "So R-Ross... I'm.... I'm.......... wait... R-Ross?" I felt tears running down my face. I knew what he was going to say. It was obvious. He wiped my tears away with a finger and finished his statement. "I'm sorry bud.... but.... I'm b-b-breaking u-up with you..." I couldn't take it any longer, the door was wide open, I could see Adam's office was wide open too, and I knew the people in the main room would hear this. Good.
"NO! THAT'S IT JIN! IF YOUR BREAKING UP WITH ME.... PROMISE ME SOMETHING." He nodded. "NEVER. And I mean NEVER! COME. BACK!" I stomped out of his office leaving him to cry. I saw a few of the guys running down the hall and I ran to my office locking it. I heard banging on the door but I let them bang. After an hour they finally left, leaving my to cry...

An Already Walked Upon Story  Mithzan X Ross Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now