Violence is an answer?

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So far Skye has started flirting with Chase and now Skye has walked in on the worst sight of her life! DJ has almost won Chase's heart! But when Skye ups her game, DJ uses brute force to keep Skye away from her love. Will it work?

Read to find out!



I had almost won over Chase! Then Skye ruined it all. In anger I walked to the park and saw Skye kissing Chase! I charged at her and tackled her down. Skye kicked me off and got back up.

No one's P.O.V 

Skye got up and her head was down. She started to cry a little causing DJ to try a brute punch but Skye caught the fist mid strike and began to laugh. DJ with a look of terror on her face tried pulling back but Skye's grip was stronger than iron. Skye look at her and threw her over at a street light causing it to bend. When DJ recovered and got up Skye had twisted her wristbands and metal began to engulf her skin. Skye was now encased in metal armor! DJ had a custom buit pair of gloves with blades on the nails and knuckles. DJ hit Skye and she flew back crashing into a tree. Skye got up and charged at DJ. Skye gave DJ (this is Skye defense attack) an Arial Pound. With her neck one hit away from snapping someone caught Skye's arm before she could hit DJ one last time. Skye kicked the person and sent HIM into a wall. DJ looked up and saw "HAL!" They yelled. Skye was about to run to him but DJ round house kicked her back and she crashed into Rocky, who at that time was passing through to see what was going on. Then Chase took over for Skye. DJ threw a metal rod at Skye's neck and Chase took the hit. "CHASE!!" Skye yelled. Skye looked at the rod which was now poking through Chase's left lung. Skye grabbed Chase and cried. Then looked up at DJ and said "YOU DID THIS!! I'M - I'M A AAGHHH!!" Skye screamed as the metal armor she was wearing disappeared and two large blades shot out from her wrist. Skye ran at DJ and stabbed her...repeatedly. Hal got up and saw this. To weak to do anything he closed his eyes. Skye stabbed DJ with both blades the spun around making DJ's almost swiss cheese like body to fly over at an ambulance truck. Rocky had called one. Rocky now also must find a way to make Skye's wrist blades dissappear for good.

Oh and I'm running out of ideas so I'll give you guys some choices on what happens next...

Comment on what ya want me to do next.

1. DJ lives but can't walk...or move until three weeks has passed

2. Rocky and the others work to cure Skye of her "problem"

3. All of them discover a hidden ability (choose this you can pm me an ability for which ever character/characters you choose)

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