Separation (continued)

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With DJ training with Chase she's started to develop feelings for him...and so has SKYE!! Complications started to arise and an old friend makes an appearance.

And Hal has a secret crush on Marshall...

(I'll talk about the complications later but let's focus on this for now)


Hal P.O.V 

I looked all over for DJ but I didn't see her..."HAL! OVER HERE!!" I heard. I looked over my shoulder and saw DJ running at me. I stood there and turned around. DJ ran up to me and she was running out breath. "I - I...where are we staying?" DJ asked. "The house by Rocky's...where were you?" I said. "Exploring the area." I turned and guided her to our house. On the way there I saw Marshall was staring at me strangely. "What's up with him?" I thought. When we got to our house I opened the door and DJ ran in and picked her room. I smiled and went to the room I'd chosen when I unpacked most of my stuff.

¤meanwhile elsewhere¤

Skye P.O.V 

I was sitting on a bench when I heard foot steps behind me. I looked back amd saw Chase! I blushed a little. "Hey Skye." Chase said. I flinched but I saw a look of sadness on his face. "Y - you ok?" I asked. Expecting a punch I got a response!! "You wanna know why I am like I am? I'm trying to impress you but nothing was working so I gave up." My eyes widened. "If I knew that's what he was doing I would've just asked him out!" I thought. I have a crush on him but I didn't think he felt the same. "If you wanted to go out with me then why didn't you ask?" I asked. "Because I didn't know if you had feelings for m-" I cut him off with a kiss. I pulled back and he was blushing. I smiled and left my phone number on the bench. I walked to my house and I saw someone over the hills. I stopped and looked closer only to see it was "EMBER!?" I yelled. I saw Ember run towards me and I gave her a hug. "It's been a long time!" I said. "I know!" We walked to my house and I saw Rubble with the construction industry amd I waved at him. He waved back as I'd entered my house. Me and Ember started catching up on what we did over the years we were apart. We did basically the same stuff...but I didn't tell her about the Chase incident earlier. But I couldn't help but think someone else like him to...but who?

Here's Embers description:

Ember  (real name is Melody)

Age : 18 

Ember is well know for fire rescues and volcano research. Her hair is blonde but she dyed it an ember red. She always has a fire color jacket and a black t shirt, red shoes, and fire color pants. Her personality is caring and her heart is full of love. She can fight like a pro boxer and she is slightly taller than Chase.

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