A hero/the blizzard

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With Everest living with Rocky life has become a little complicated for both of them. Everest has a secret crush on Rocky and Rocky is...well a master swordsman and is a hero known as "Mirage"


No one's P.O.V 

Rocky was sitting in his basement tinkering with a suit of armor he'd made from the scrap metal he had. "Now to set the voice modifier into place and...there we go! All done!" Rocky said getting up to leave for his nightly patrol (that only HE knew about). Rocky looked at his newly made sword and shield and took them with him. "Where ya going?" Everest asked. "Oh...I'm going to roam around the town for a while." "Oh well have fun!" Rocky smiled and walked out of his house. He looked at the low window that was conected to his basement and pulled out his armor. He put it on and Rocky didn't have enough metal to build a mask so he used his old white hoodie. (His armor is made from white metal BTW) He ran to the center of town annd heard a scream then it stopped. Rocky walked by only to see Chase had Skye pinned against a wall and she couldn't push him away.

Mirage P.O.V 

"Leave her alone." I said. Chase looked at me and pulled a dagger from his pocket and tried to cut my arm open. I smiled at his attempt and struck him in the gut with my fist. My knuckles had metal spines on them so when Chase got up he was bleeding serverly. I smiled and...

Chase P.O.V 

"That...li - little bastard! I'l ' I'll kill him." I thought weakly patching my wounds. I looked up and saw him and Skye had vanished. I punched the wall next to me and cracked it.

Rocky P.O.V 

As I walked home I noticed  my front door was open. I walked in and saw Everest had been hurt. I looked over and saw someone hiding and I ran to check on Everest. "Are you ok!?" I asked. "Y - yes..." Everest said. I called Marshall and told him to come over. I ran out to  see who was hiding from me and then it immediately got colder and I saw snow blowing by fiercely and then I blacked out. I got up and noticed I was in a blizzard!! I didn't see anyone near by but I found a cyborg like helmet and since I was still in my armor I put it on to stay warm. I wandered forever until I found a building and I walked into it. It wasn't a building at all! It was more of an ally house then a building. I heard grunts and yelling then I realized I was in Chase's hide out!! "I'm so dead. So very very very dead!" I

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