Hidden powers (Everest)

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Everest's new ability...


Everest P.O.V 

I walked out side and headed towards Hal's place. I knocked on the door and I could hear some rustling sounds. I waited for two minutes then Hal opened the door. "Oh hey Everest! What do you need?" Hal asked. "Oh nothing. Just gonna hang with you for a while." I said. I  saw Marshall on his couch and I smelled something strange. When I got about one foot in his house I knew what the scent was. I shuddered at the thought of what Marshall and Hal could've been doing. We sat down and watched some movies and I looked out side and saw it was getting darker. I walked outside and headed back to Rocky's. As I walked closer to Rocky's I saw two lights and I threw my arms up to block whatever it was and I closed my eyes. I didn't feel any pain...I opened my eyes and saw I'd blasted a car away from me. I held my hand up and a plasma beam shot from my palm! I ran to Rocky and told him about this. He gave me energy drainage gloves to keep the beams from firing at the wrong time. If they did fire the beam was reduced and it was placed in a small capsule.

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