Chapter 12: Are You Still Mine? (Final Part)

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After my little episode the other day, I couldn't really remember what happened after that. It was like I pretty much blacked out. I don't blame myself though. The texts Jimin and JungKook sent to me were way to much for me to handle. My poor mental state mixed with all of my negative emotions made me a ticking time bomb. When I came to, I found myself wondering carelessly in the woods a mile away from my house. I was covered in mud and my own blood from wounds due to falling or just scraping against something. I'm not so sure how long I was out there for but, I returned home to clean myself up and tend to my wounds. 

Most of them were on my arms and legs. I soaked my feet for a bit due to walking barefoot on the road and in the woods. My feet were stained with blood, peeled, bruised and scratched up. And boy, were they sore. As I patched myself up, I couldn't get my mind off of the texts Jimin sent to me. The heartbreak I felt afterwards; the emptiness. Although I was still tore up from it, I remained in control. I had to. After tending to my feet, they were well enough for me to walk. To help keep my mind off of everything, I decided to keep myself occupied by gardening. I remembered my dad giving me some seeds to plant. He said that we could help me plant but, I was in desperate need for some distraction. I looked out of the window to view the weather. Of course, it had be raining outside badly.

"What?" I scoffed, "It was just sunny a second ago."

Soon, the sound of thunder could faintly be heard in the distance. The rain began to pour down heavier and faster. For some reason, I looked over at my car. The windows were still down. I don't remember ever leaving them down.

"Damn it!" I said to myself.

Heading downstairs to the living room, faint memories of punching holes in the wall near the staircase downstairs flashed in front of my eyes. Looking at the damages, I was a bit disappointed with myself for even letting myself go that far. There was also broken glass from both the new coffee table I bought after the Zach incident and my favorite mug. Glass from my China cabinet was also shattered all over the floor with a Converse shoe sitting inside. The sofa was ripped in a few spots somehow and liquids were spilled all over the floor.

"What the hell did I do?" I asked myself.

Trying to distract myself from the horrific sight, I searched for my keys. Under cushions, the sofa, recliner and even in the kitchen, I searched. Just when I was about to give up, they magically appeared on top of the TV. Snatching them off of the TV, I huffed as I ran outside in the freezing rain. I quickly got into my car, closed the door and started it to put up the windows. As I turned off the car, more memories flashed before my eyes of what happened that day. After I trashed my house, I walked outside and just headed down a road to the woods. Flashes of lights blinded me as I walked on the median of the road. After entering the woods, I couldn't remember anything else.

Coming back to reality, headlights were shutting off behind me. I slid down a bit into my seat so that I couldn't be seen.  Looking into the rear view mirror, an unfamiliar sat still in my driveway. The car door opened a few moments later. A figure dressed in black stepped out of the car.

Who could that be? I asked myself, Who's car is that?

The figure pulled out a phone and began to tap on it a few times before putting the phone up to its ear. After a minute of standing there with the phone still against it's ear, the figure's hand dropped to its side. Still standing by the car, the figure removed its hood from its head and revealed its face.

My eyes widened. "Jimin?" I whispered.

My heart stopped for a long second. I couldn't believe who I was seeing standing behind my car. I wasn't sure whether or not I should get out and talk to him or let him leave. Today is the last time I would be able to see Jimin. He would be gone for who knows how long this time since BTS is becoming bigger. This closure was something I had obsessed about and literally went crazy over. It wouldn't make sense for me to just let it go. 

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