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Aurora Huntingdon awoke to the sound of her little sister tripping on her suitcase in their shared bedroom. "What are you doing, you klutz?" She asked with a yawn as she sat up and stretched.

Calista stood up, brushing off her clothes. "Sorry sis," she said. "I'm not really paying attention to where I'm going, I'm thinking a lot about what will happen today.."

"This again? You have no reason to be nervous about Hogwarts. If anything, be excited! You get to be sorted into a house and make a lot of new friends today. This is one of the days you'll remember forever."

Calista looked down nervously. "It's not the same for me as it is with you, Rory. I'm different than everybody else." Her hair began to turn blue subconsciously, indicating her sad mood. Her sister motioned to the blue hair, which Callie changed back to normal as soon as she noticed.

Aurora started to get out of bed, beginning to walk towards their bathroom. "Just because you're a metamorphmagus doesn't mean you won't have any friends. Trust me, it's not that special!" Callie glared at her. "I'm kidding! But, I mean it when I say you'll have lots of friends. Besides, you can always hang out with Eleanor and I in Hufflepuff if things aren't all too great."

"What if I'm not in Hufflepuff?" Callie questioned.

Aurora chuckled. "Oh please, you're one-million percent Hufflepuff. Patient, loyal, sweet; need I go on?"

"I guess you're right." Callie sighed, going downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning, sweet pea," Patti smiled at her daughter as she walked down the stairs. "Ready for the big day?"

"As much as I can be." Callie slumped in her seat.

"Why don't you seem happy, dear?"

Callie sighed and looked up at her mom, who stood in front of her with a kind, attentive look. Her mom's sincerity and sweetness were some of her most admirable traits.

"Well, Rory already told me I have nothing to worry about, but I'm just nervous." Callie confessed.

"About what, being a metamorphmagus?" Her mother asked, sitting beside her. "Sweetie, your sister was right when she said that you don't have to worry. The good thing about being a metamorphmagus instead of some other rarity is that it's not really seen as some 'beast' - well, unless you morph to have some sort of beast face, but otherwise I doubt anybody will see you poorly because of it. I bet they'll think it's cool! You'll be a hit! You just need to learn to accept that you're a little different, and find people who love you for it."

Callie smiled at her mom. "Thanks mom, I love you!"

"I love you too, my little daisy. Now, is your trunk all packed?" Callie nodded back at her mom. "Well go upstairs to get ready, and bring your trunk down with you when you come back. We leave for King's Cross in an hour- tell your sister!"

Callie stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her eyes were blue and her hair was blonde and straight- the biggest difference is that her skin was white. She had been up here trying new looks for about fifteen minutes so far. She eventually gave up however and went back to her most commonly used look, one that was very similar to her sister's appearance; Callie hated looking like she wasn't apart of her own family. Her ability was fun to play with, but made her feel guilty at the same time. She never wanted to appear like she didn't appeciate her family's features, especially their dark skin.

Her father walked in, quickly walking back out when he realized that Callie was in there. "Sorry sweets! My bad, I didn't knock."

Callie laughed at her dad. "It's fine, I was just looking in the mirror. No scandal here."

Pierce came back in and smiled at his daughter, who was now leaning against the sink. "Okay, I got some dad wisdom for you, ready?" Callie nodded with a chuckle, so Pierce continued, "I would've said this anyways, but I think it applied more since you're a metamorphmagus: when you get to school I want you to be your amazing self. Never pretend to be someone you're not. If you don't want to be light-skinned and blonde, don't do it because that's what many people at Hogwarts look like. If you don't like tea and classic books, don't act like you do to impress people. If you don't want to wear whatever new clothes are 'hip' these days, don't wear them to please someone else. I want you to be you."

Callie's parents were having a heated debate as the family of four walked to Platform 9 & 3/4. Rory rolled her eyes to Callie about their parents' behavior; even the family's owl Daisy looked annoyed.

"She is definitely getting placed in Hufflepuff, look at her! Our sweet, loyal, patient little Callie has Hufflepuff running through her veins." Patti said to Pierce.

"Don't forget about her smarts and wit, though. She's a genius! Besides, I need at least one of our kids to carry on my Ravenclaw legacy!"

"Right here, dad." Rory piped in. Her dad always made little remarks about Rory not being placed in his favorite house. They were always meant to be taken as jokes, but they beyond annoyed her.

As her parents argued on, Callie was happy to see the platform was ahead. "Come on Rory, I'll race you!" the 11 year old said excitedly. She was used to going to the platform because of dropping her sister off the past two years.

"So immature." Rory replied. However, she couldn't help but run right behind her sister as Callie took off.

Callie awed at the train after reaching Platform 9 & 3/4. Sure, she had seen it before when dropping her sister off here, but knowing that she was going to be going on it for herself... wow. It was marvelous, it was magical.

Rory saw the look on her sisters face and put her arm around her. "Just wait until you see Hogwarts itself."

"Girls! Don't run off like that again!" Her mom exclaimed as the girls' parents arrived, panting.

"Sorry mum. We were having a race, which I won!" The little sister boasted.

"Only because you started before I was ready, you cheater!" Rory said, sticking her tongue out at Callie, who returned the gesture.

"Now girls, settle down," Their father laughed. "I'm sure you want to rush onto the train, so let's get the goodbyes in now!"

"Oh sweetie, send a letter as soon as you can! I want to know everything  about your first few days here right away!" Her mother held Callie's shoulders as she spoke.

"Yeah, and we will be very proud of you when you are sorted into Ravenclaw!" Pierce piped in.

"Or Hufflepuff!"

"Ok, ok!" Callie laughed at her parents. "I'll write a letter tonight. Promise."

After saying goodbye, the two Huntingdon sisters boarded the train. Callie couldn't even imagine what lies ahead.

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