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Callie stood up and grabbed her bag as Professor McGonagall dismissed the transfiguration class, which was her last class of the day. Her first day of classes went fine overall, although she was finding herself more and more annoyed with the devastation twins with each class they shared, due to their rowdy and cocky behavior.

She was just about to leave when she heard Professor McGonagall from behind her. "Miss Huntingdon, the headmaster would like to have a word with you." Callie turned to face her, and the fear in her eyes was evident as the professor quickly added, "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. He just wants to talk to you about your abilities is all."

Callie sighed in relief, but remained anxious about meeting with him. "Thank you professor." the small girl said before exiting the classroom.

"Hey!" Mercia had waited outside the door for Callie, and bounced over to her on sight.

"Oh, hey. You didn't have to wait, y'know."

"That's what best friends do!" The blonde giggled, skipping alongside Callie.

Callie turned to her. "You can go on back to the common room without me, I have to do something real quick."

"What is it?"

"Nothing important, I promise. Just need to... help the headmaster with something."

Mercia didn't put too much thought into it, before nodding at her friend with a grin on her face. "Ok, see you later!" The girl left with a wave.

"Ah, Miss Huntingdon. Pleasure to see you. Please, sit down." The headmaster said to Callie as she entered the office.

"Hello headmaster." Callie spoke politely as she sat down.

"I'm sure Professor McGonagall has already informed you about why you are here."

"Only a little bit." Callie said, looking down at feet. She was swinging her legs since they didn't reach the floor when she sat.

"Well, I know your ability is very rare Calista, so one of the reasons I've called you here was to see if you had any questions about it. I might have more answers than your parents do, even though they are very smart people."

Calista thought for a moment, but ended up shaking her head. "No sir, I don't have any at the moment."

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. If you have any later on, you can certainly ask me about it. Same goes for Professor McGonagall, she is obviously educated in the morphing realm, although animagi are different than Metamorphmagi." he told her. His face was cheerful, and Callie couldn't help but compare his appearance to the muggle myth who's name was Santa Claus. "I also wanted to just let you know about some of the precautions when using your ability in school, while you are here with me."

"Headmaster, I don't see myself using my abilities. I don't really want people to know about it yet."

"You may say that now, Miss Huntingdon, but not using your abilities for the whole seven years at Hogwarts? I highly doubt it. But, that is your decision, and I should not try to alter it." the headmaster said to her. "If you do start using your abilities on school grounds at some point, there are things I must let you know."

"Yes sir."

"Here at Hogwarts, we do not approve of using metamorphic abilities to hurt other students, cause trouble while appearing as somebody else, imitating teachers, and things of that nature."

"I don't think you'll have to worry about me getting in trouble, headmaster."

"I agree, considering who your parents are and how I expect that they raised you. You are from one of the wizarding world's most respectable families after all, but it is worth mentioning anyways."

"I understand."

"Also, there are social aspects of your ability I feel that you should have in mind if you ever use your abilities around others. First, people may not be able to trust you fully if you keep changing your appearance. They might believe you are deceiving them in some way. Also, changing your appearance often may lead others to not recognizing the real you."

Callie was feeling worse about her abilities after he had told her this. She was hesitant about telling others before, but now she was completely opposed since she knew what the outcomes could be. "Thank you for telling me, sir. It's good to know." It wasn't good to know, but it was important to know at least.

"Of course Miss Huntingdon. Please, let me know if you have any questions pertaining to your abilities." He dismissed her after that final remark.

She almost reached the door, but instead she stopped and turned around. "Um, headmaster. I actually do have a question."

"Yes, what is it?"

Callie squirmed a little in her spot, not sure of how to ask. "Before you mentioned that people may not recognize the 'real me'. Um, what exactly is the real me? How can I know what I really look like?"

He sighed in an expecting way. "That's a question that is really difficult to answer, because with Metamorphmagi, there isn't a 'natural' appearance. You have been able to change your appearance your whole life, so there isn't really a true appearance for people like you. That is one of the cons of having this rarity, Miss Huntingdon, people may have a degree of identity crisis. Usually, people see their 'real' self as what they look like most often, but in actuality that is what the person chose their appearance to be, even if it was only subconscious and it looks like the rest of the family's appearances."

Calista was unsure of what to think. "Thank you, headmaster" she told him before exiting his office.

Callie thought the only problem with being a metamorphmagus was that she would be different than everybody else, but it turns out that there are more things to worry about than being different.

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