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Calista stuck to her sister like glue as they navigated through the Hogwarts Express. There were so many people in the narrow hallway, the small girl felt frightened, especially considering the majority of these people were all older and bigger.

Eventually, after saying hi to many friends in the hallway, Rory found the compartment holding her best friend Eleanor Vance. The two girls squealed as they saw each other, rushing to give each other a hug and explaining just how much they missed the other over the summer.

"Oh, why this must be the little Calista I've heard so much about!" Eleanor cooed after parting from Aurora, giving Callie a hug. Aurora had warned Callie that Eleanor was big with hugging, but Callie didn't mind. She loved it, in fact, as it reminded her of their mother.

"Hi, Eleanor. It's nice to meet you!" Callie said bashfully, trying to be as polite as possible.

"Oh sweetie, call me Ellie!" Eleanor told Callie. She turned to Rory and whispered, "Oh my god, she's so cute."

Callie turned to her older sister. "I can stay with you guys in here, right?"

Rory didn't immediately look welcoming, which worried the little girl. "Well, if you need to sit here with us because no other compartments are available, that's fine. I'd be more than happy to let you. But, I think that you should find a compartment with other first years. That way you make friends right away and have people to ride the boats with."

"Can't I ride the boats with you guys?"

"No, no. Only first years take the boats to the castle; older students take carriages. Don't worry, just go make some friends and you'll be fine!"

"Ok..." Callie worried. She had always been the shy type, and wasn't excited about the idea of just going into some random compartment with people she didn't already know.

"I'll see you later Callie. Then, us three are going to party in Hufflepuff together- we'll have a slumber party or something! Okay?" Her sister tried to reassure her.

Callie put on a smile to appease her sister and said goodbye to the two third years, before heading out into the hallway once more to find a new compartment. She understood why her sister wanted her to sit with other people, the reason made sense. Callie didn't like it nonetheless.

It seemed as though every compartment was full or contained older kids. Callie sighed in frustration as she nears the end of the train, and was ready to give up her search and head back to her sister, but finally saw the last compartment that was not filled. Callie ran over to take it before anybody else could, and slammed the door behind her.

A brunette boy perked up at the noise, causing Callie to gasp. He looked tired, and although he was small he had the appearance of somebody much older. "I-I'm sorry! I thought this was empty." She explained to him, but he didn't look annoyed in the slightest.

"Don't worry, I don't mind. You can sit in her with me if you want." He said, smiling at the girl.

She returned the smile, and sat down across from him. "My name is Calista. This is my first year." She told him, reaching out her hand which he gladly shook.

"Remus, also a first year."

They spoke to each other for not even another minute when the door opened, revealing two twin girls. They both had straight blonde hair that barely went past their shoulders, similar to the hair Callie had tried on in her house earlier that day.

"Oh, thank goodness!" one of the twins exclaimed, flopping down next to Remus. "You see, we thought we weren't going to make the train because we had to use muggle transportation that was running late, and so we thought even if we did make if we wouldn't get a compartment because they all would be full and-"

"Sis, breath!" The other twin said, sitting down politely next to Callie. Callie noticed right away that while they may look identical, their temperaments were quite different.

"Wow, I didn't even say hello yet before I started rambling! Silly me!" the rambunctious one said with a loud laugh. "Hi, my name is Mercia Swann!"

"Maia," The tame one spoke. She looked at Remus and Callie, almost as though she was trying to figure them out. To Callie, Maia didn't seem as communicative as her counterpart.

"I'm Callie, and this is Remus. We're both first years," Callie told them as Remus nodded.

Mercia's eyes widened. "No way, we are first years too!" She said excitedly. Callie came to the conclusion that anything she told Mercia would have the same excited reaction.

"Mercia, calm down." Her sister told her rudely. Mercia's excitement dialed down to an embarrassed frown.


The rest of the train ride was similar. Remus and Callie talked more, Mercia got very excited, and Maia shot her sister down.  Callie was feeling very awkward with the two sisters in the compartment. She had no clue how they have not killed each other yet, or in all actuality, how Maia had not killed the crazier twin yet. Mercia was just a sweet, excitable girl who was trying to be happy and get along with Remus and Callie. As for Maia, well, Callie didn't know what to say about her except she did not feel comfortable around her. Luckily, the train ride seemed to go by fast as she talked to Remus. He was a great guy; super nice and smart. Callie had a feeling that Remus and herself were going to be good friends, regardless of what house each of them were going to be placed in. Although, she could easily see Remus in Hufflepuff with herself.

There was a lot of commotion as students piled off of the train, especially by the first years. Callie noticed that her friends from the compartment had separated, and she looked desperately for someone she could sit with. She walked around nearly every first year to find someone, anyone she recognized. She finally saw Remus as he began to get onto a boat, and dashed over to him, sitting beside him before anybody could take the last open spot in the boat.

"Whoa, Callie, what's the rush?" Remus asked with a laugh as the girl arrived on the boat out of breath.

"You're one of the only other first years I know, and I lost the twins." Callie panted. She turned her head to the snickering boys on the boat. "What? What are you laughing at?"

One boy answered while the other continued to laugh. "How can you be a first year? You must be so old, your hair is gray!" Callie gasped, knowing her hair only turned gray or white on its own when she was worried or exhausted.

Remus looked up at her quickly to see what the boys were talking about, but he was too late. Callie changed it back to brunette at their words. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said to them. "I guess the lighting out here must be weird, or you're colorblind." She didn't know why her first instinct was to cover for the fact she was a metamorphmagus.

Instead of laughing now, the boys were now gaping at the girl. "Ok, am I insane, or did your hair just change color?" The other boys spoke.


Callie looked to Remus, who could sense the weird vibe on the boat easily. He had no clue what was going on, but wanted to change the subject. "Oh, Calista, this is Sirius and James. I met them on the walk down to the boats." She wanted to wave, but was feeling all too awkward from their conversation a minute ago. "Guys, this is Calista."

They looked weirded out at their encounter too. Callie was so annoyed with herself, if her hair didn't decide to change color on its own or if she didn't automatically resort to hiding she was a metamorphmagus, maybe the four of them could have become good friends. She could tell that being a metamorphmagus was going to be a lot of work.

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