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Callie's face represented pure shock at Sirius proclaiming to know Callie's secret, while Lily's showed deep thought and Mercia's represented both shock and excitement- she was a sucker for drama. The boys were smug, standing there with smirks on their faces and their arms crossed as they awaited Callie's response.

"You've got to be kidding me." Callie whispered to herself, shaking her head. She couldn't believe they had actually figured it out, especially with no information to guide them.

"Oh no little lion, this is no joke." he told her condescendingly.

Callie was in disbelief that they truly discovered her metamorphmagus abilities. She stood up and walked to the portrait, signaling for the boys to follow. Mercia and Lily stood up as well, but Callie put her hand up to tell them to stop. "No, I want to talk to them alone."

"This stinks!" Mercia sighed, her voice coated in drama. She threw her head back in her chair, and Lily rolled her eyes.

Callie and the boys walked along the hallways until they found somewhere that was empty. She turned to them, arms crossed but nervous. "So?"

"So, what's up?" James asked.

"What do you think you know?"

"Goodness, we were just trying to have a nice conversation first, but if you want to go straight to the main topic I guess we can." Sirius told her. Callie rolled her eyes at the boys.

"All your stalling makes me think you don't actually have anything to share with me." Callie said.

"Fine, we can talk the talk." James told her, and she stood silently with her arms crossed waiting for the boys to tell her what they discovered.

"Werewolf." Was all that Sirius said.

The look on her face portrayed confusion for the point of playing dumb, but she knew exactly what he was talking about. "I beg your pardon?"

"You know what we're talking about!" Peter told her.

Callie shook her head, giving a slight chuckle. "Nope, sorry. I'm not a werewolf but that's a good guess."

"Oh please, if you were a werewolf you would be out there right now tearing the life out of somebody!" James said.

"Yeah, so sorry, it looks like you missed the mark this time." she said. She went to walk away, in hopes that her playing dumb to what they actually knew would make them think they had it wrong. Unfortunately for her, Sirius grabbed her arm and pulled her back to be in front of the boys. "Is there something else?" She asked.

"You know." Peter said yet again. Callie raised an eyebrow, wanting them to elaborate.

"Amedeus Huntingdon." Sirius said.

"Ok, you guys all need to stop with the world's most vague sentences." She told them.

"Fine, apparently you're sticking with the 'playing dumb' act, so we'll elaborate." James said. "Yeah, that's right, we noticed your little act."

"Amedeus Huntingdon is your uncle on your dad's side, but your family doesn't like other people knowing that. Why? Because he's a werewolf, and an 'embarrassment to the Huntingdon name'." Sirius said. A smirk was wide on his face as Callie's ignorant act faded. Fear was clear on her face, they had actually figured out something important about her family- something that nobody was really ever supposed to know about. She sighed, realizing that they might as well know the whole story since they knew part of it.

"My family never saw him as an embarrassment." Callie uttered. "Not my mom or dad or sister, in fact we took him in for a while when he had nowhere else to go. It's the rest of the family who can't stand to have him be under the Huntingdon name; they banished him from the family. It's mostly my grandma- Sirius, you know what it's like to have family that is obsessed with seeming perfect in every aspect. We were alienated by the rest of the Huntingdons as well ever since we took him in." Since they apparently did not know about her abilities, Callie left out that the main reason her family was banished was because Callie was a metamorphmagus- she was different than everybody else. Her family doing the best they could to help her Uncle Amedeus was only a small part of it.

"Aha! We were right!" Peter cheered, nudging James who as well was looking proud.

"Congratulations, you got me." Callie said. It was sarcastic as the boys predicted it would be- instead it sounded upset.

"We won't tell anybody." Sirius said quickly and sincerely, his change of tone catching the rest off guard. "Promise."

"How did you find out in the first place?" Callie asked.

"The Huntingdons are a pretty well-known family, you know this." James said. "And what do all 'perfect' famous families have? People who have reason to not like them. We found one of those people."

"We went to Elizabeth Fortescue." Peter elaborated on what James said.

"Fortescue." Callie repeated, a nervous laugh escaping her lips. That was a name she hadn't heard in ages. The Fortescues were the only others who knew about Amedeus, for they had been there. Callie was too young to remember, but Rory told Callie what she knew about it when Callie was a bit older. The eldest of the Fortescue children was one of the first casualties of Amedeus' werewolf rampages, and ever since, the Fortescue family had hated the Huntingdons, rightfully so. Callie hadn't seen or heard about them ever since before Hogwarts, and she had forgotten that the youngest Fortescue child, Elizabeth, is in her year.

"Well, you made a promise not to tell anybody." Callie said to the boys. "Please, please keep that promise."

"On one condition." Sirius countered. Callie raised an eyebrow at him, arms crossed across her chest. "You and the other two girls have to come back into The Gang. I know you are beginning to tolerate us again, but come back as friends."

Callie went to roll her eyes, but couldn't help but smile at his request. "You have yourself a deal there, Canis." She said, shaking Sirius' hand.

Callie walked back into the common room alone- the boys had decided that since they were already part-way there, they should get something from the Great Hall.

"So?" Lily asked upon noticing Callie's entrance. "They figured it out?"

Callie shook her head as she walked over to the window. "No, it was something else. I'll tell you guys later. Right now, I have a date with the moon."

Lady Lion [Sirius Black] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now