PLEASE READ FIRST / Something Important

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Hey hi wassup hello. It's me.

Before you get excited, no I have not worked on a sequel yet. I haven't even seen the movie yet. The movie's not even out yet. Baby steps, people.

I've noticed recently a lot more have read this story because they're getting hyped for Now You See Me 2. I feel you guys. I'm excited, too. However, this story was written when I was like 13 maybe and thankfully, my writing skills have improved.

This story was the first story I published on wattpad that I actually kept, regardless of how terrible it was. That's because of the amount of support I got and how many people loved reading it and it made me all happy, again, regardless of how terrible this story was.

In reality, after rereading it a decent amount of times, the story wasn't really terrible, just poorly written. I think the reason people liked it so much was because it was literally just a description of the entire movie with my OC inserted into it just to give her some lines and some action with Jack o' lantern.

What I decided to do was reedit all the chapters and publish them, giving you a bit more content and a story that makes more sense. Hopefully in the reedits I made (yes, they are now all completely finished) Kate has more of a storyline along with her relationship with Jack and the other Horsemen. This helps me create a better storyline for the sequel which I sort of have an idea for but not really cause again, movie's not out yet, so nothing's certain.

But there will be a sequel as promised. I can't assure you it'll come out soon, but it'll come out eventually.

I know some people won't want to me change the story, but I prefer it. I'm trying to make the story better. The whole big plots will remain the same, just some new things added to it and little things changed a bit.

YOU WILL BE ABLE TO TELL IF A CHAPTER HAS BEEN REWRITTEN IF THERE IS A GIF ADDED TO IT. I'm giving Kate a face. I really love the fc I've chosen because I've known about her since I was a little kid and she's just s'cute. Kate is a poc. If you don't know what that is, it stands for person of color. She's not white. I've decided to make all my fc's people of color (I have a lot of stories in my drafts) because there's so many stories that all use the same girls we all know about and no diversity.  Lily Collins, Amber Heard, Kendall Jenner.

Do people realize Selena Gomez is Mexican/Italian? She's a poc. Every story I've seen her in, she's white. (No, I have not chosen Selena Gomez as my fc. She's overused and a bit whitewashed /: )

Anyway, I know it might not have seemed as though Kate is a poc, but she is. And hopefully I'll be able to explore more of that in the sequel.

So that's about it. Thank you for the love.

Also, off topic, but I've noticed some of my readers are also fans of mcu. I'm working on a Bucky fanfic so if you read that when it comes out, I'll love you more than I did before.

Okay, bye y'all. C ya later. c:

- L

p.s. here's some cool ass promo pics and whatnot for Now You See Me 2 :-)

 here's some cool ass promo pics and whatnot for Now You See Me 2 :-)

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