Hey There

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Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. *smirk face emoji*

Anyways, this is not an epilogue or whatever just a chapter to explain some things that will probably make this story make more sense.

{ Also, I'd like to say re-reading this story I found a lot of mistakes that I am ashamed of. My deepest apologizes for having to put up with that.}

As you know, Kate's tarot card was The Empress. If you didn't figure it out yourself, I actually did research on the tarot card. If any of the information is wrong, then I'm sorry I went on the wrong website but I used what I could work with.

I can't find the exact websites at the moment, but I can tell you what I remember reading.

The Empress is a beautiful woman. It explains why so many times in the story, Thaddeus or Rhodes or anyone else has said Kate was very pretty. It was part of the tarot trait thing.

She is a kind and wealthy woman. The Empress is from a rich family but she uses her money for good. Kate is from a wealthy family, but is not a snobby diva. She also gets by from her looks and money, which is why she said she got a good deal on the equipment (Interrogation chapter.)

I remember reading something about The Empress being immersed in the joy of life. Sounds familiar? (chapter 8, elevator scene.)

I also remember reading something about if The Empress became heartbroken by a man, she would deflect the hurt by finding another man of her dreams. In chapter 8, when Henley told her it was okay to have her heartbroken, Kate said her heart was broken but not from Jack. Meaning, she would not go looking for another man because Jack didn't break her heart.

When The Empress and Death are together in tarot card readings, it means a relationship will come to end because of the perceived grievance you delivered to the other person (Jacks death.)

So my friends, that is all I included in the story and I hope it kinda makes sense now and doesn't seem random.

I just want to thank everyone that has read, commented, voted, added my story to reading lists and all of the sort. It means a ton.

I have heard there will probably be a Now You See Me 2? When there is, expect a sequel ;).

Other than that, to keep you entertained, I will probably have another fanfiction on the works considering I am in a lot of fandoms.

I am going to try and use this account more often. Don't ever think I've abandoned it. I love you all and thank you loads xx.

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