6: The Chase

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isn't it great how Anna and Jeremy look like Kate and Jack?

c'mon people, look at them.

c'mon people, look at them

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i mean seriously???

let's use our imaginations :-)


"What the hell just happened?" I yell, glancing behind me in fear of the possibility that someone could be right on our tail.

"We just got away with that! I've never felt such a thrill!" Henley screams, jumping up and down.

"We didn't get away with it just yet," Daniel says impatiently, leading us down the fire escape. "So a little less talking and a lot more running!"

We all rush down the fire escape and I pick up my pace as I hear footsteps chasing after us. I don't think Dylan Rhodes escaped the giant mass of people piling on top of him just yet, so I assume Alma Dray is chasing after us. She follows our every movement: down the stairs, through the parking lot, through an ally—there really is no stopping this woman.

Daniel eventually makes it behind a couple of us and ends up running in a different direction. "Split up! Go, go!" he yells, waving for us to follow our own path and we do so.

"Jack!" I yell, noticing how he begins to slow down. I grab his hand and pull. "Come on, hurry up!"

"Where are we supposed to go now?" Jack asks, obviously not aware of how to lead as the Horsemen never really gave him an opportunity to before.

"I'm going to blend in with the crowd. You change into your costume!" I order, running away from him and into the Mardi Gras parade.

There are people all around me—yelling, throwing beads at my head, clapping. It is very chaotic, being shoved around by drunk people who even attempt to touch me in strange places. I begin to feel stuffy, running out of air to breathe, but I still continue to run. I feel lightheaded and spot an empty ally to hide in. I breathe in and out, trying to calm myself down. My blood pumps rapidly and I clear my head in attempt to lower it.

"Move it, move it!" I hear behind me. I freeze as I hear a bunch of shuffling feet run past me. "Wait... three of you come with me," says a voice, causing me to quickly run towards a dumpster and crouch behind it. I begin to panic even more than before as this isn't part of the plan. I'm not supposed to take on four FBI agents all by myself. I'm not even sure if I can.

Their footsteps are slow and steady, me trying my best to hide in the shadows so that they hopefully don't see me. However, when I see an agent next to me quickly point his gun towards me, I know that plan has failed. Instead of giving up, I decide to see how far I can make it before one of these guys has me handcuffed.

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