8: Finale to The Eye

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Eventually we had make it to our new hideout, but it doesn't stop me from bawling there too. Henley continues to comfort me, the other two not knowing how to handle me at such a terrible moment.

"Just wait and see, Kate," Henley says, rubbing my arm. "Everything will turn out just fine."

"Yeah," is all I can say, faintly nodding my head. I don't think I believe what she's saying is true.

"It'll be okay, you know that, right?"

"Yeah." No, it really won't.

"So you're okay?"

"Yeah." Definitely not.

I can tell Henley notices the disappointment in my voice, yet she accepts my answers anyway. It's strange how the rest of the Horsemen aren't reacting like I am—I know I was the closest to Jack. Was. Still, it didn't mean they weren't friendly with him. They cared about him a lot. At least I think they did, but their lack of emotion convinces me otherwise. I know crying won't make him any less dead, but it would still be nice to show a little sympathy.

"My heart is broken," I admit, my words coming out all groggy and sad.

"It's alright to have your heart broken," Henley assures me.

"But it's not because of Jack," I reply, separating from Henley's hold. "It's not his fault. I was, am, and always will be with Jack and he will always be with me. I'm not looking for another."

"Alright, Kate. If you don't mind, we're planning on filming a little video in honor of Jack and to promote the next show," Henley informs, rubbing my arm one last time. "Would you like to join us?" I sigh, rubbing my eyes roughly before complying. "Atta girl." she smiles.

Even though I'm not a 70 year old elderly lady with scoliosis, I have a very hard and painful time getting up. In reality, I really don't want to. I just want to lay on the ground and weep about Jack for the rest of eternity. But I have to do this, at least this. I walk out of the room Henley guided me in when we first got here and enter the main room where Daniel and Merritt wait.

"There she is," Merritt says. I faintly smile and run my fingers through my sticky hair.

"You ready, Kate?" Daniel asks, the camera already in his hands.

I nod as he puts the camera on its little stand. We all shift over to the couch, Henley sitting down first and I follow. After Daniel finishes putting the camera on the stand, he sits in between Merritt and I, the remote to the camera in his hands.

"3...2...1..." Daniel clicks a button on the remote that makes a light on the camera turn red, indicating it has began its recording. Danny begins the video by introducing us and explaining that something tragic has occurred. My head rests on Henley's shoulder, resisting the urge to cry. "More than anything in his life, Jack wanted to be the most famous magician who ever lived. I can't say he achieved it, but I do hope wherever he is, it is full of magic. But the point is," Daniel begins to choke on his words. "Uh, sorry. The point is—"

"The point," Merritt continues for him. "of why we are here, is to say that we are not, we can not quit now. We've started something bigger than all of us. We have to finish it."

"Remember the name Jack Wilder when you see us live, 5 points queen, 7 o'clock," Henley says, bringing her arm over my shoulders.

I don't say anything. I just stare at the camera, feeling a hot tear roll down my face. I want people to see the pain in my eyes and for them to see that something—or someone—was taken away from me. And that I will somehow find a way to avenge his death.

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