Darry x Dally wedding thingy?

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Hey guys I took a long break from writing but I'm finally back. This one comes from @SuperSammyO1999 :)

It was finally the big date. Sodapop's always making fun of me for, "having a taste for bad boys" as he says it. I don't really think I have a taste for bad boys in particular. Just boys. Boys that just happen to do bad things. Not-the-nicest-in-town boys. And out of all of them, I like Dallas the most.

"Hey Pony" I call down the hall to my brother, I usually let Pony help me out with dressing styles and stuff because he's the youngest so I would assume he could help me dress appropriately for this age. It is usually the young teens who stay with the 'trends'.
Pony comes running in "yeah Darry?"
"Can you help me get ready for my date?" I ask. Pony giggles a bit but I brush it off.
He rummages through my clothing piles for a few minutes and hands me an outfit. "Try this" he suggests, then leaves so I can get changed.

When I'm done changing I peer into the mirror revealing a handsome man who I've never seen before. I don't look as old as I always do in my work clothes. The way this leather jacket fit on me, it made me feel like I actually would match up with Dally.

I glance over at the clock, it's 5:30. "Shit" I mumble to myself. "I'm gonna be late".
I rush out the door and get in my car. It's nice enough out to walk but if I didn't drive I wouldn't have made it there on time.
Dallas told me to meet him at he corner store and so I did.

When I park the car I see Dally waiting there smoking. "Hey" I say to catch his attention. He smiles. "Hey dare!"
Dare? Is that like a nickname now?
And did I just see him smile?

Dally grabs my arm and pulls me along the street. He didn't even tell me where the date was going to be.
He pulls me to some area I haven't seen before which is weird because I thought I had seen this whole town. All I could think was "oh no".
He pulls me to this cool looking field area and he sits under a tree. At first I just stood there awkwardly until he motioned for me to sit next to him.

During the date we really just talked about whatever. It was fun already but when Dally knelt onto one knee and said just 6 words, "Darrel Curtis, will you marry me?". I almost started screaming. Of course without thinking I yelled "yes!" And jumped into his arms. All of this was so fast.

-A week later-

After telling the gang and getting Pony all excited for this wedding we finally started planning.
Dallas and I basically wanted the same thing. The wedding to be somewhere private where nobody would see it. It's not like we're ashamed, it's that if any of the socs found out they'd find us and have us dead.
I told Dally that I could handle anyone that got in the way of us but he said he didn't want me to risk my life just so we can be ourselves. I guess I never really thought about this but.. Dallas really really cares about me and it's such a weird thing because all I've ever known is Dally caring about Johnny but ever since we started dating it's been bizarre.
I see this whole new side of him that I never even knew existed.
Dallas really loves me. A lot.

And I love him.

-Wedding dayyy-

We weren't sure who should walk down the aisle, and by aisle I mean the ally way. So we both walked down together. The whole gang was there.
When we got the the end of the ally, Steve put rings on us and yelled "NOW KISS!"
And we did.
The wedding wasn't official or anything, it's not documented on paper anywhere. But it's a symbol of our love.
We don't need it to be official to love each other.
And so we will.

//I hope I did okay, Darry X Dally isn't really a ship I knew existed. Regardless lets pray this is good enough standards for you :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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