Chapter 13 Sebastian Save me!

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~Sebastian's point of view

I fell to the floor shocked 'He actually took her. That son of a bitch Faustus fucking took MY Mandy!' I thought to myself pissed. I walked out to the living and picked up Ciel opened a portal and brought him back to the manor. We stood in the foyer trying to think up a perfect plan. Ciel ripped off his eyes patch revealing a combo of both my symbol and Mandy's. "Sebastian this is an order! Save Mandy no matter what it costs!" he yelled I bowed and placed my hand over my nonexistent heart "Yes my lord." I used my gifted speed to dart to the Trancy manor God I despised that place. I saw a flash of purple and suddenly I was knocked to the ground I stood up to find the triplets they darted at me with spears I jumped and dodged throwing my knives at them which they blocked. 'Mandy I'm going to be late you better be alive when I get there!' I thought to myself hoping she was alright. I can't spend too much time fighting their guards Or Mandy will die before I get there. I kicked one of them down ripped his head off then darted after the rest.

~My point of view

I awoke with steal strings holding me to a wall my arms up and separated pulling would result in me losing my hands. I looked around I was in a cell I glared at my surroundings I knew better then to call out for Sebastian I watch horror movies you call out, then they find out you're awake then you either die or get raped I didn't want either personally. The door opened and in walked Claude smirking "Bitch you better let me go!" I yelled he chuckled "One I am not a female dog and two why should I let you go?" he asked I looked down Damn should have thought that one through. I looked up and glared "Because Sebastian will kill you when he finds me." I stated knowing I had won this match but oh how wrong I was. "What if you don't want to be saved?" he asked I raised a brow then glared knowing what he was going to do. "Fuck you." I spat he walked toward me and untied me I kicked him hard into the wall and made a dart for it "Hannah!" he called as a female demon appeared she grabbed me and dragged me into another room by my hair my one weakness "Bitch when I get out of here I'm going to rip your hair out!" I screeched at her but she already looked hurt maybe she didn't wanna do this? Still wanted to rip her hair out though. She tied me to a chair as Claude walked in and they tossed me in the tank filled with green liquid I struggled in vain they used steel strings to tie me. I knew better then to breathe but soon my lungs burned and I screamed out as they pulled me out and I gagged breathing hard but it was short lived they tossed me back in many times till my mind was in a fog and I couldn't think straight I barely knew who I was. They untied me and I was shivering Claude wrapped a towel around me and picked me up I noticed I was in a purple dress that was soaked. "Se-Sebas-Sebastian." I stuttered Claude stroked my hair calming me "No Sebastian tried to kill you, he hates you. I saved you remember?" he asked I shook my head and shivered my mind was going blank. "N-No Sebastian would never hurt me he cares for me." I stated still shaking he shook his head "No Mandy Sebastian wanted you dead he despises you I saved you because I care for you." I was starting to remember what he was saying Sebastian did try to hurt me! "Y-You're right." I stuttered he held me close "I know I am now let's get you changed." He carried me to a room and changed me into a dark red dress and tights then heels. He began brushing my hair then he fixed it into pig tails he kissed my cheek I stared at him strangely "Why did you do that?" I glared he looked at me as if he was hurt "Do you not remember that we are lovers?" he asked I was shocked how could I forget? I walked up to him and hugged him "I'm sorry Claude I didn't mean to forget." He kissed my forehead and caressed my cheek as he leaned in and kissed me but something felt really wrong but my memories said it was ok but my gut turned. I pulled away "What's wrong love?" I stepped back "I'm sorry Claude I just don't feel well could you give me time to rest?" he nodded and walked out I layed down on the bed something is wrong but I just don't know what.

~Sebastian's point of view

As I killed the last of the triplets I darted toward the manor again I heard Mandy call my name not that long ago meaning she was still alive that was all I needed. I darted to a window I sensed her in that room I opened the window to find her asleep in the bed I shook her awake she looked terrified "It's ok now my love I'm here." I said pulling her close suddenly she screamed and pushed me away "Claude!" she screamed terrified I was confused but knew he had something to do with this. He darted into the room and Mandy jumped into his arms crying. "Faustus what the hell did you do to her?! Why doesn't she know who I am?" I asked annoyed and terrified he glared "Oh she remembers you alright but she remembers you as the person who hurt her and she remembers you trying to kill her." I was shocked 'Damnit he brainwashed her!' I thought to myself and just to piss me off he looked into her eyes then pulled her into a kiss and she kissed back! I couldn't watch this I had to leave I would save her later but right now I just can't watch this. I looked down my bangs forming a shadow hiding my eyes I jumped out the window and darted away from the scene. My face felt wet I thought it must be raining I looked up not a cloud in the night sky I felt my face to find tears. 'I don't cry this is not like me why the hell am I crying?!' I punched a tree knocking it down.

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