Helping a Friend

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"Make sure you grab the pink suitcase," Nicki pointed to the trunk as she hitched her purse higher up her shoulder. Her dad sighed before grabbing it and placing it on the ground. Nicki turned and stared up at her new home; New York University. She was ecstatic to get out of the house and not having her parents watch her every move. 

"Let's get you checked in," Nicki's mother led the way to administration. They walked in and signed Nicki's name to show that she showed up.

"Um, will I get to know who my roommate is beforehand or do I have to wait until she gets here?" Nicki asked the lady in front of her.

"I have a list of the roommates. What's your name sweetheart?" The lady smiled at her.

"Onika Maraj," she returned the smile as the lady looked down the list.

"Oh, you're Onika. There's been a mistake

with your roommate, Aubrey," she said.

"Did she switch out or something?" Nicki's parents became more interested in the conversation.

"The lady who is over the rooms saw the name Aubrey and automatically assumed that it was a girl," she explained. It took a second for the information to process through Nicki's head until she connected the dots.

"Wait, Aubrey's a boy?" She scrunched up her eyebrows. What kind of guy is named Aubrey?

"Yes and we've already informed him about the mistake. It'll take up to two months to fix this mistake. I hope this isn't a problem for you," she looked at Nicki.

"Of course it's a problem and I demand that it be fixed immediately!" Nicki's father snapped.

"I already told you that it will take up to two months. I apologize for the inconvenience but there is nothing that I can do. You can drop out of the dorming and apply next semester if you want," she offered.

"That will be fine. She can just stay at home," he told her. Nicki looked at him like he was crazy. I want to get out of the house!

"Last time I checked, I was eighteen and more than capable of making my own decisions," she wanted to get her point across. She's a legal adult and isn't gonna have her parents watching over her every last move.

"I know you're not thinking about rooming with a boy Onika," he spoke sternly to her.

"I know you're not thinking that you're about to control my life. I'm going to be fine and I'm not asking for your permission," she crossed her arms. Her parents stayed quiet as she turned back to the lady. "Now you said that you spoke to Aubrey, is he already in the dorm?" She questioned.

"Yes and here's your key," the lady handed her the key.

"Perfect," Nicki grabbed her purse and started walking in the direction of her dorm. Her parents had no choice but to follow her. Nicki stopped at her door and opened it with the key. "Holy shit," she mumbled as she eyed the guy standing in the middle of the room. He turned and looked at her in shock. He was standing there shirtless and Nicki couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

"Can you go put on a shirt son," Nicki's father stepped in front of Nicki to block her view.

"Uh yeah," he went over to his side of the room and slipped on a shirt before walking over to them. "You must be Onika," he smiled at her.

"And you must be Aubrey," she pushed her dad to the side before extending her hand. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. Nicki blushed before her father ripped her hand from his.

"Hey none of that!" He already hated the idea of her living here.

"Aren't y'all supposed to be on the road by now?" Nicki groaned.

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