Can You Take the Heat?

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Drake felt someone shaking him and groaned. "What do you want Jacey?" He called out but didn't open his eyes. He felt like he only got a few hours of sleep and he wasn't trying to get up right now.

"Wake up Superstar it's game day," she told him and he shot up out of bed. 

"First game of the season," he smiled.

"And I'll be rooting you on with our parents. You're gonna beat their ass," she raised her hand and he slapped it. "Who are you playing?"

"One of those rich schools, Greenhill Indians," he shrugged.

"I can't wait until you play Clearwater," she perked up.

"I'on know why they're our biggest rival. They suck but they don't shut the fuck up. They always talk shit but we always kill them on the court. They just look down at us because of where we're from. Fights always break out over there with their stupid captain Young," he hated that school with a burning passion.

"When do you play them?" Jacey looked at Drake.

"Two games from now so we play them next week," he nodded.

"You'll kick their ass. I hate those spoiled brats too," she mumbled as she left. Drake's dad remarried when Drake was seven and Jacey was his stepsister. She's a freshman while he is a junior so he sees her as a younger sister since they practically grew up together. He got up and went to get ready.

"You ready?" He looked around downstairs.

"Make me proud today son," his dad came out of his study.

"Always," he nodded as Jacey came out of the kitchen.

"Bye Daddy!" She hugged him and Drake dapped him up before they hopped in the car and headed to school.  "See you at your game!" She pecked his cheek and rushed out once he pulled up. Drake got out of his car and dapped up people he knew as he walked down the hallway.

"You ready for today Captain?" Jay appeared by his side.

"I'm ready to go through these schools so we can get to Clearwater. I want to shut them up once and for all," he was determined.

"With Young as their captain it won't be that hard," Jay joked.


"Ms. Maraj."

"Yes?" Alvira and Onika looked at their teacher.

"Nicki," she clarified. Nicki looked at Vira and they shared a look.

"Yes?" They answered in unison again.

"This little game is getting annoying," she gave them a stern look.

"It's actually pretty entertaining," Issay chuckled with a few other classmates. The bell rung and the twins shot up.

"Looks like we'll have to talk next time," Nicki smiled at the teacher and walked out of the room. "Check," Nicki looked at Vira.

"And mate," she dapped her up. Nicki eyed her boyfriend down the hallway and a smile made its way onto her face.

"You're coming to the game right?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world sis." They went their separate ways as Nicki walked up to Evan and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey baby," he pecked her lips.

"Hey are you ready for the game?" She cocked a brow.

"I've been ready," he hung his arm around her shoulder and they walked to their class.

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