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"Mrs. Johnson please close that door. I can smell your damn cigarettes from all the way up here!" I yelled down the stairs.

"I can't open my window remember?" She yelled up to me.

"You been saying you'll get it fixed for months! You know Annie up here pregnant and them damn cigarettes aren't good for the baby. You got kids you should know that."

"What y'all doing all this hollering for?" Roy came out his room rubbing his eyes.

"She smoking up a storm, got it smelling like a bar in here. I'm on the fourth floor there should be no way on earth I can smell this shit from up here."

"Nisey it's nine in the morning baby and you already hollerin at somebody." James said coming out to the hall. "I got my tool box, I'm gonna fix it." He walked passed me and I watched him jog down the steps.

"Now go back to bed Nise, you always yelling." Roy said shaking his head at me.

"Oh you got room to talk. You and Annie scream at each other every morning trying to wake the damn dead." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the railing on the stairs.

"That's how we talk to each other." He shrugged and sipped whatever was in his coffee mug. It's definitely not coffee.

"You two are a mess. I can't wait til the baby gets here, maybe that'll keep you two from yelling so much."

"I hope so, cause I'm starting to get horse from all that yelling and screaming."

"I'm sure." I rolled my eyes and waited for James to come back up.

"Nisey?!" He said coming into view.

"Yes baby?"

"Can you please bring that hammer out my other tool box?"

I nodded and went into our apartment and opened the cabinet under the sink and grabbed the red and gray handled hammer from the metal box.

"Stay." I told New York. He laid down on the large pillow we had for him in the corner of the living room. I shuffled back out and headed down the stairs.

"Thank you gorgeous." He kissed me and took the hammer from me.

"You're welcome." I followed behind him to see what was keeping her from opening that window. I stood in the door way and watched James do his thing.

"Mrs. Johnson does your husband nail the windows shut during the winter?" He asked her. 

"Yes." She said lighting another cigarette. For Pete's sake can she just stop for a second?

"You got to remind him to take the nails out so you can open the window. If not, you'll keep fogging the whole apartment building." He pulled the nails out and put them in his tool box. He lifted the window and a nice breeze came in.

"I'll be damned. Thank you James."

"You're welcome. Just don't have that window closed anymore so my wife can stop complaining." He grabbed a hold of my waist and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry Nisey. I'll try not to be so forgetful." She said blowing smoke out as she talked.

"Thank you. Now I can stop yelling at you from the top floor."

"Thank the Heavens." She said laughing. "Now you two get out since I can smoke my cigarettes in piece now."

I shook my head and left out the apartment. I walked up the stairs with James close behind me.

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