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Excuse any mistakes.

Leo laid an unconscious Denise on the floor of his basement. He looked at her in panic. He didn't plan this far. His mind was so filled with lust that he couldn't think about nothing but being in between her thighs. The headbutt was to far. He could've pinned her down instead of trying to knock her brains out. He didn't know what to do. Leo couldn't keep her in the basement since Louise ran her business from it. She had a nice at home hair Solon going for her VIP clients.

Leo paced around the cement ground below him with his hands on his head. Denise laid there like a rag doll leaned against the wall. Legs apart with her arms draped on either side of her. Leo looked at her and remembered how it felt to be inside if her. He loved seeing the look on her face when he first got her on the ground, her ragged breathing and fear in her eyes turned him on.

Leo got down in front of her and held her limp  body in his arms. He placed a grip on a fist full of her hair to hold it back and kissed her lips. He stood up with her in his arms and pinned her up against the wall. He held her thighs and pulled them up so they were on either side of his waist.

He tossed her arms over his shoulders so she stay close to him. He balanced her body in one arm and reached between them to undo his pants.



I was knocked out at the place I was staying at the time. I hear a knock on the window and I wake up and saw Leo there grinning and smiling. I slipped on my house shoes and left the house and went around to where he was. Since I wouldn't dare let him in after he scared me hours before.

"What Leo? It's gotta be four in the morning we gotta be up by six." I wiped the sleep from my eyes and leaned against the house. "No need." He said looking at me with this evil look in his eyes. "What you mean?"

"If you come with me I'll show you." He said waving his hand for me to follow him. I followed him so I could get things over with and go back to sleep. We were walking and walking and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going til I passed your car Mr. Barns. I realized he had walked me all the way to Philips house. He grabbed me by my shirt and lead me up the front yard.

"You better not scream when we get in here." He said stopping in front of the door. "Yeah okay. Hurry up I'm tried Leo." He opened the door and lead me through the house. I had never been in there before since we weren't allowed. He took me down these steps that went into a low basement and down a hall. He stopped at a double door and turned to me.

"Like I said don't scream. You scream I'll punch you out cold. Understood?" I nodded slowly getting suspicious of what it was. He opened the door and the room was dark. The smell of iron had made it hard to breath as soon as I came in. He flipped a switch and I-I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were body parts on the floor and the door to the safe was open.

Leo started picking the parts up and started tossing them in a bag. I bent over and threw up all on the floor.

"Stop all that shit and help me." He said not stopping what he was doing. I backed away out the room and he pulled a gun from his back. "Where you going?" I held my hands up. "I'm about to get the hell outta here! Leo you killed them!" He took the gun off saftey. "Yeah so. They have money that I need. You need it. Like I told you earlier, Denise won't want no broke boy." He dropped a leg and came to me. "You don't have no choice but to help me." He closed the door and locked it. He pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. Leo at that time was a lot bigger than me so i knew there was no fighting my way out.

But I had to. I wasn't gonna end up dead and chopped up like Mr. And Mrs. Philips.


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