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Sorry for any mistakes.

"I'm so glad you're back." Mrs. Barns said huggin me. The last thing I need is a damn hug, especially from her. I gave her a gentle push and went ta the kitchen.

"Denise you're back!" I ignored the hello's and welcome's, I'm not in the mood for any of it. I went ta the closet where all the workers put their belongings.

"I'm sorry if I'm not as friendly but I don't feel like talkin. I have a lot goin on like everyone in this room does, but I'd rather get about my day so I can return home. I appreciate you all fa showin me a warm welcome back but mind just ain't right." I said standin in the middle of the kitchen. "With that bein said, it's eight AM and breakfast isn't ready yet. I need that started, biscuits need made, meat need cooked, and eggs should be cracked. This house is filthy and I need Norman, Betty, and Anna-Lee ta get started. I'll go tend ta Mr. Barns. When I come back all of that needs ta be done." I walked out the kitchen ta let em get ta it.

As I walked ta the otha side of the house everythin felt silent and cold like. Nothin like comin back ta work afta a death. Ya feelins are all ova the place and a hole rests in your heart that seems unfixable. It's even harda ta deal wit it when the death took place at ya job.

"Good mornin Mr. Barns." I said openin the curtains ta let the sun in.

"Oh Denise. I was kind of enjoying you being gone. I got to sleep in with no disturbance." He sat up and grabbed his glasses from his nightstand.

"Oh hush. You know you missed me." I put his house shoes on the side of the bed and sat on the edge of it.

"I did. Nobody knows my routine except you. Annie had me all out of order while you was gone." He reached and put his hand on top a mine. "How are you doing Nisey?"

"I don't know anymore." I said tryin not ta show ta much emotion since I'm at work.

"Tell me what's going on."

"I don't know if I should tell ya. It's against Mrs. Barns rules fa causal conversation."

"Oh to hell with her rules. I've done shared more feelings with you then I have with my wife in years. Now tell me what's going on."

"Well you know how I was havin trouble wit Dennis?"

"Yes. How's he doing?"

"He's gotten even worse. I had caught him sneakin in at six in the mornin. He stole my money, then he started hangin around those boys from the low end apartments down the street. I clean his room and found jewlery and brand new clothes with the tags still on em. I gave him his final warnin and hoped he take me serious but he still came home late. Yesterday he came in and rushed ta his room all.in a huff. I asked him what was wrong and he said it's a high possibility he won't graduate out of the twelfth grade. I laughed about it since it was his own fault and then he jumps up and pulls a gun on me. He was talkin a 'bout how he sick a my shit and all this and all that."

"Lies you tell." Mr. Barns said in disbelief.

"I swear befo God. He pulled it out and I put the gun ta my head and yold him ta pull the trigger since he's so big and bad now."

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes but I knew he wasn't gonna pull it. So I did. And I knew his ass couldn't afford no bullets."

Mr. Barns laughed. "You are a wild woman."

"He's the wild one. That was my last strike. I dropped his ass off at the train station and went back home ta deal wit James' shit."

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