If the neighbors know my name then, I'm doing something right

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I inhaled the kush and it slowly but surely fulfilled my lungs. Tiny smoke rings escaped through my lips. At last I finally reached the clouds. I was now gone. Girlfriend in the bedroom bitching about my habits again. Nothing new but, no doubt that I still love her cocky ass. 

Faith- "Abel stop smoking that shit in the house!" 


She hated when I got lifted. I couldn't help it though. It was just apart of me now. To be honest, Faith just never liked anything that I did, especially my dreams of becoming an R&B artist. She said potential could never last that long, but I was dedicated to work and I put in my best effort.


Faith-  "Abel get your ass out of the bathroom! I need to wash up!" 


Damn it. Faith's letting my high go to waste. I unlocked the door for her to come in. She slams it wide open almost hitting me in my face. 

Faith- "What the fuck Abel?! You're high again aren't you?! I'm tired of this Abel!  I'm tired of you just smoking your life away like you don't have a girlfriend to take care of!"


I tried to comprehend what was going on exactly. "Babe, I love you" I stretched my arms out to reach for her tiny frame but, she backed up rejecting my affection towards her. 

Faith- "No, you're talking bullshit Abel...Come on you need to go to sleep."


She guided me to the bedroom. I plopped myself onto the bed trying to focus my eyes onto hers. Her eye's were sad and I knew she wasn't happy with me. "Where are you going?!" She turned her back towards me.

Faith- "To the bathroom, go to bed Abel. Just, please!" 


The tone in her voice was weakened and filled with frustration. She cut off the light and ran into the bathroom. I could hear her slam the door shut then, there was silence. I got off the bed to creep towards the bathroom. As I walked, the room was unbalanced and gravity wasn't helping me at the moment. I felt as if I had wings and I was floating above the ground. My brain was not completely with me. Quietly as possible I sat against the bathroom door to listen. Faith was crying.

Faith- "Why can't Abel pay attention to me for once?! All he cares about is his stupid music and getting high. Why is he soo addicted!?" 


She sounded depressed and all because of me. It hurt to hear he said I was addicted. Truth is I didn't get high for the fun. My confidence was low and when I was high I had a chance to escape reality and fell comfortable but that was something Faith could never understand. She would call me out for bullshit on it. I leaned in closer to the door to the point that my face was pressing against it. Faith crying died down. Now it was total silence. I figured I go to my nigga Sidd's and come back in the morning with flowers or some expensive shit. Still faded, I pulled out my phone to text him to pick me up. Less than a minute he texts back "I'm on my way" 


10:54 pm


We got to his place late. There was much verbal communication in the car ride. Most of the time it was silent as hell except for the sound of air cycling. 

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