The Weeknd

709 25 10

9:00 Pm


"Now we're lying about the nights, hiding all it behind a smile....take a look at what you did." I've spent all day working and making new music within seconds. Only an hour till I had to perform at the Ivy Lounge. I swear this could be the hardest that I've worked. Time was precious I couldn't afford to waste it.Damn, I wasn't even famous, but the crew still suggest I perform at these night clubs in order to get myself herd. I thought of the big celebrity life. The lifestyle seemed nice and right now I was living a mystery to the people that listened to my music, I feared that Hollywood could somehow change me. "Break time. I'm becoming exhausted."

Omari-"Man, tonight is gonna be great! I can already feel it."


"What makes you say that?"

Omari-"It's the Ivy lounge duh!"


"True, but no big deal." I plopped myself onto the couch beside Hyghly. "My work is underground."

Jeremy-"For now, but look at the views on YouTube.People can't get enough."


"I'm sure other people have had more views for their singing." I didn't want to sound negative to this shit, but I didn't want to come off cocky either. In all honesty this was how I truly felt about the weeknd project. I felt that I wasn't going to be as big as the crew thought and this ran through my mind daily. Music was definitely my passion, and I didn't care so much if I could taste fame or not, I'd still be doing what I love to do; that was make music.

Lamar-"There you go again. I'll never understand you Abel."


"I don't understand myself either." The conversations was interrupted by my phone ringing in my jacket pocket. I glance at the screen to see it was ma so I walk up stairs and answer the call.



Roza-"I'm at the front of the house. You ready?"


"Coming." I hung up and shouted to the crew "I'm leaving! See you guys at the club." I walked out the house to the car and silently shut the door.

Roza-"Abel you've been smoking?"


"Smoking? Nah." I climbed in the back of the car brushing off the question. I did more than just smoking. I was unbelievable high, but I was able to handle it or at least I thought so. I couldn't hide the fact I smelled like kush, but I swore to her I wasn't smoking. I noticed Valerie was sitting in the front seat. Hair pinned up so elegant, red lipstick on her plumped lips and blush sitting on the apples of her cheeks. " Hello Valerie." I cracked a smile my lips stretched across my face. I was so happy to see her.

Valerie-"Hey Abel. It's good to see you."


She chucked, she was beautiful in every way I couldn't deny. "It's good to see you." I laughed. I was completely cheesy around her. I was definitely into her, more than she knew and more than she'll ever know.

Valerie-"You're excited for tonight?"


I thought about the question, I wasn't too thrilled, to be on stage tonight, but at the same time I was. I was tired and I've been working my hardest all month, even though I enjoyed the making of music all I could think about was sleep. "Yeah. I just hope it ask ends well."

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