Chapter 6: Surprise

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Michaels POV

*3 hours later after entering the cabin*

"So the group now known as fallen angels wanted more power and rule, like 12 apostles of Jesus, job, John... you get it. They felt as if they were gods' stepping stool. So they formed a group and tried overrunning the higher angels of heaven and was kicked into hell. They escaped obviously but with the deaths of multiple demons. The group of demons known as risen demons. Us. We wanted vengeance against the angels for raiding us and killing high rank demons. If they killed random sinners they wouldn't give a shit, haha. Hell, they would've been eased from torture. But anyways, Satan disapproved our stand because he wanted as much power behind him as possible for when Jesus comes back. 'The second coming,' as the Christians call it. But we went anyways and pissed off Satan. The risen demons surprise attacked a fallen angel meeting, which pissed off God. With both superior leaders angered, it set both small groups at a disadvantage. They separated the two groups before too much blood was spilled. After a few hundred years, things settled so God let us live on earth and create demigods with humans. And turns out, that created another reason for people to have hatred against each other." Dad explained.

"Explains why Jack is a constant dick to us." Damion mumbles. I notice ashes creep through the floor crevices. "Kinda late there drake." Mom says. Drake appears feet first from ashes colliding. "They're here." "Who's here?" I say back at Drake. Mom gives dad a look, "I told you they were coming." "For fucks sake, they came half the day later." Damion, obviously feeling awkward, makes a towards to the door.

"MOVE!" Shouts Drake as he pushes Damion right after the wall crumbles inward. There was no visibility from the heavy saw dust cloud swarming the interior of our cabin, but we all knew who was the cause of it. I get up to peer out to see Jack and his crew. The fallen Angels.

Jack reels back an open hand and throws his arm out, I wasn't fast enough to know what he did or to block it. I flinch and crunch my eyes expecting the worst but I feel nothing. I open one eye and in front of me was a see through orb, but it distorted everything behind and around in view, as if looking into a reflection off of ripples in a river. I then open both my eyes and Jack is stuck in his throwing stance, I look to my left and see Damion and Drake still on the ground, not moving. Falling dust and log chips are stuck in the air as well.

Dad runs in front of me giving me a wink, when his eye opened it revealed blackness. He forcefully grabs the orb, making it change into random shapes and a distinct blue color ran through it. Afrer he grabs it, I notice ashes start to slowly fall again and sound comes back. So much confusion I didn't even notice everything was mute. He spins with the orb, taps me with his pointer on his other hand and finishes his spin, letting go of the orb. I fly backwards hitting my back hard against the wooden wall, and a loud bang is erupted from where dad is, knocking him a step back.

I see him smiling with his hand stretched like a claw as a massive cloud of distortion covered the forest. That's the best way I could explain it. It was nothing but then again it was a lot. Trees, air, the ground had a ripple effect and Jack's crew was gone. Damion coughs. "What the fuck just happened?" "Sh!" Replied Drake, cupping his mouth

Drake dissolves into ashes and floats up. Mom walks in between me and Damion and crouches, pointing towards my car. Drake appears at the front, peering over for a few moments, then giving a 'nothing here' gesture. "Those fuckers should be dead as shit." Damion whispers. Minutes of silence pass by with all of us staring off into a empty forest. Silence was so.. still. It was nothingness yet strong. No birds, no wind. Nothing. I look over at our mom, "I don't think they're here, we should go no-" My sentence was ended by a deafening bang.

"Oh....shit." Damion said, sounding extremely surprised. Only making me not want to look back to the forest. But I did anyways. Where my car was located is now a giant hole in the ground and drake was no where to be found. "Where the fuck did my car go?!" I shout, running towards the hole. I don't know what it would solve, but I just had to do something. Dad then rushes in front of me and grabs another orb that came out of nowhere on my left, then transforms it into a half bubble shield surrounding the front of us.

"Back up! Quickly Michael." Dad said. I am so distraught at this moment but found myself running back to the cabin. Dad gestures us to have our backs against the wall as he made his way to us, pressing the shield as tight as possible. My car comes into view, falling down towards the hole. Jack jumps up from the hole and punches the side of my car. It flew towards us, disintegrating with every inch it flew. She broke in half, then each side spinning in opposite directions. Glass and paint coming off like nothing. Reminded me of having extra barbecue sauce on a chicken leg and being thrown in the air. Tires fly off, bouncing off trees and each other, pipes and doors were next. Left part of the roof comes off towards us with other going behind. The car was halfway towards us but at this time it was stripped of its body. Head rests sling off, chairs go too but get caught off the partners seatbelt, giving it a slingshot effect. Steering wheel spins off and everything else was trash.

It all clashes on top of dads' shield, one by one it all hits separately with a split second of give time. Doors stack on pipes and chairs fill our view. Head rests stick into our shield and trash finish up our visibility. "My car..." I shudder, dropping to my knees. "Get ready to kick some angel ass" dad says, putting his hand on my shoulder. Damion looks over at mother, "Hey mom." "Yes dear?" "Nows probably not the time but knowing me I will forget it later but anyways. Mom, if principal calls, you were in an accident and just dispatched from the ICU."

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