Chapter 2: Monday

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Michaels POV


"I've never enjoyed seeing these old walls I've walked miles past, as if they lead a labyrinth to the metaphor of life. Just a useless cycle from point A to B, and vise versa at the end of the day. I also never liked these so called 'people' at this school. Those constant "emo" remarks, slurs, and subconscious stares of judgement. Eh.. What even is the point of blabbering on about this?" Speaking to myself walking down these monotonous hallways, blasting death metal in my ears.

Only sense of peace in this hell hole. I make my way towards my locker and start my combination, when I hear loud and obnoxious yelling and laughing towards my left.

"Could only be one group of assholes at this school to be heard over full volume music.. Ugh" I sighed to myself, keeping my eyes in my locker, and my head low.

In not even a second, I was pushed into my own lockers and turned around. Jack. He's mouthing words that I don't understand and I look away. He grabs my chin and faces me towards him, pulling out my buds, introduced by laughter.

"Guess you didn't hear me, pretty boy". He then pulls out the rest of my ear buds and snaps it in half.
"Since I have your attention, maybe you'll like to hear my joke."

I look around with people chuckling, and absolutely nothing to do except what me and Damion can do best.

"And what's that?" I asked jack. "You?" I continued, knowing it wasn't the smartest thing to do.

"Haha, ooh aren't you and your boy toy so witty" he said back, obviously irritated, only making me smile.
"So this is funny, haha alright." He snickered while shoving his arms into my locker and slings my binders towards the opposite wall, papers flying in between.

More laughter while I just stand there, staring at my feet. He pulls my chin upward with a finger "Chin up pal, that's the only way you can keep your boyfriend from making a mess on you."

Then spits on my converse and people continue their way. I start collecting binders and cursing under my breath. I peek up, staring as he walked away with pure hatred in my eyes.
He suddenly trips over nothing and people fill the halls with laughter once more. He gets up and starts cussing and blaming one of the people in his crew, Alex.
I chuckle as I finish picking up my shit and grab first period binder.

"Michael Grimory, please report to front office. Michael Grimory, front office," Said from the intercom.
I make my way from my distress funeral, crossing many emotional grave yards buried within these walls.


"Principal Byde's office."
said Mrs. Owen, our front desk receptionist.

I open the door, first seeing Damion giving me a "we fucked up but we good" look. Then seeing football coach, Coach Glover, and sitting across from Damion, Principal Byde, giving me his usual death stare with the many times of our visits in his office. "Michael, please sit."

I sigh, walking towards a seat next to Damion, awaiting another one of his weekly lectures.

"You two never cease to amaze me, so let me take a quick guess on who was in that rabbit suit." Principal Byde said, staring at Damion as he laughs, giving himself away.
"You two have been in multiple fights, disrespected our staff, stolen food for Christ's sake, snuck in after dark and even vandalized my own office." Principal Byde continued, taking a break with a sip of coffee. "But this one was honestly funny." He said with a smile, astonishing both Damion and myself.
And.. Coach Glover. Glover might as well have snapped his neck with that quick of a glace.
"Are you serious? This is complete lude behavior and I won't allow this to continue any further!" Said, Glover, with venom in his words.

"Coach Glover, please. I see these kids in my office just about the same I see my own at home." Laughing and gesturing a "just kidding." "I know these kids and who they are, their intentions and why they do these things." Continued Principal Byde.

Coach Glover seeming pissed, walks out the office without a word. Principal Byde looking at us and saying, "You two can't keep letting Jack and his crew constantly harass you, just one word about their actions from a self defense and they go to gap again."

Damion quickly rises and out the door with just a "nope" and I slowly get up and say, "Thanks Mr. Byde but, its just another Monday."

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