Chapter 7: Spirited Away

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-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Damion's POV-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

I get up coughing. "Damn, that actually stung a little." I thought to myself looking over at mom lying limply on some rubble. I run over to her "You'd better not be dead damn it." I said to myself as I knelt beside her and put my head to her chest. Bum-bump. Bum-bump. "Okay good her heart is still beating, that means she's just unconscious. I'd have to kill her if she was dead." I laughed to myself. In my concern for moms safety, I hadn't even realized there was still a fight going on. I scan the area for Micheal and Dad, all the while there were blasts (if thats what you'd like to call them)flying in my direction left and right. "Damn it I can't see for shit with all this blasting shit." I thought to myself.

I pick up mom, and carry her somewhere safe a couple hundred yards from the fight. Just then I realized I still had sticky notes and a pen in my pocket from school, I take them out and begin writing. "Mom I moved you from conflict so you won't get hurt when you wake up. Come find us if we haven't got you by then." I stuck it to her forehead, and headed off back toward the fight.

By the time I got back to the fight there was only one fallen left and she was attacking Dad and Micheal, I picked up my pace and was at a full sprint, when all of the sudden I felt a dull, blunt pain in my head. It was like someone had my brain in their hands and was squeezing it. I stop running. My vision blurs. All noise gets blocked out as I hear a voice.

"Damion... Don't come find me, he'll kill you all if you do!" It was my mom. "Awe, but that wouldn't be any fun now would it." Said another voice this one a male, it sounds so familiar but just the sound of this guys voice, makes me want to vomit everywhere. Sound returns, my vision clears, I can move again. I feel hot tears streaming down my cheeks as I get up.

I feel something in my stomach. I don't know what it is, I've never felt it before, but it feels good. It grows warm and spreads throughout my entire body, I'm levitating about a foot off the ground looking at the sky. All my pain and hurt turned to pure hatred and rage. I drop to the ground like a rock but I feel lighter than air.

All I can think is "KILL! No one will survive. Not even Lucifer himself." I charge at the angel. Running on pure instinct, I get about thirty feet from her and push off the ground as hard as I can so that I'm flying about three stories above the ground. I bring my right hand back and twist my torso so that I can get a better swing. She looks at me just in time for me to pop her head like a watermelon. The look on her face is something I'll never forget, it brings a smile to my lips every time I think about it, the look of "I'm about to fucking die and there's no way to stop it" the look of pure horror.

What's left of her body hits the ground just before I do. When I do manage to touch down, I take a look at my right hand, what I saw shocked me. Underneath all the blood and bits of bone and unidentifiable shit, my hand and arm from the elbow down was a charcoal color with red swirling from the tip of my middle finger all the way around my hand and wrist and forearm up to my elbow. It was different from the color of blood. To be honest it freaked me out. Especially when it turned back human. At that moment my body seemed to give up. I only had enough time to tell Dad and Micheal that Satan has mom before I pass out.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Michael's POV-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

"What did he just say?" Dad gasped out, having troubles breathing from our fight. "It's true." Both me and dad look behind us. "Alex?" I gasp out. "Aren't you with Jack's squad?" "Yes Michael, well I was before today." Dad staggers quickly over to him and tries throwing a punch but was dropped to the ground with a swipe of Alex's finger. "I was before today, meaning I'm not with him. I sorta never were." "What do you mean?" I ask, struggling to help dad back up. "I am one of the original risen demons. And Jack was actually one of the original fallen angels. We appear this young because we've ascended. Him for the fourth time and me twice. Come on, we need to get going before more come, you're in no condition to fight anymore angels." We all get up, Alex is carrying Damion and I'm helping dad hobble along as drake brings up the rear, we set off trying to get out of the woods. "Oh... Hey...Alex... Uhmm... I just noticed, jack wasn't there at the end of the fight. Do you know where he ran off to?" Alex stops, he sets Damion down for some reason, "I thought we had to get a move on." I think to myself but I didn't dare say it aloud. Alex turns around and says, "We can rest for a bit here." he then goes on to say a bunch of stuff about the war and the same junk mom and dad went on about in the cabin. "...Anyway, Luci, (short for Lucipher) backed out and the war had finally ended after a couple centuries. I know you're probably thinking, 'How does this tie us into it?...' well trust me it does. Brandon, and, Veronica, both neglected to mention one crucial detail about you two." I then become interested in what he's saying. "What is it?" asked Damion sitting up. I almost tackled him, no one expected Damion to even be awake for a few more hours let alone sitting up and moving. "Bro, what the fuck happened?" I asked still completely shocked by the fact that Damion is awake. "Well... The last thing I remember... Is going like super sayain. Bro, if ascending is anything like that... You and I are going to have to live in the literal middle of nowhere till we can control it." He has a worried yet excited expression on his face. "What? Really? That's awesome... Wait no that's scary... Ughh I don't know." I said confused. Damion motioned in the direction of Alex. "We should let him continue with his explanation of why you and I are special." Alex thanked him. "Well you see... I don't know how to really say this. You two are literally unique. There has never in the history of all of demon kin been twins its happened once with the angels and it took ,Lucipher and Death, themselves to take them down. This angels had transcended twice, with demons one ascension is equal to two and a half angel transcensions. But with regular demons being stronger than regular angels, we can only imagine how strong you two will be. Hell, it might take god himself to not get killed... Infact even he might have a hard time." Damion, and I look at each other in total awe. "Bro, we're untouchable." I said all giddy and excited. "Oh and Michael, I've been awake this whole time I only blacked out for a second. I woke up as soon as Alex got here I just couldn't move. I heard everything that was said, and yes Lucipher has our mom. We can't bring her back, 'once in hell, in hell forever' I've heard Alex say that a couple times in school." "But what we can do... Is kill old uncle Luci, abed take vengeance for mom." Alex looks up, he's worried. "Okay guys" He says, "we need to get a move on. Watch this." he finds 5 rocks, puts them all in the palm of his right hand, closes his eyes. He opens his eyes, they're pitch like drakes were that day in the bathroom, he sets the rocks down about three feet apart from each other. He holds both hands out standing in front of them all. Black sand appears, swirling, engulfing first one rock at a time then the sand becomes larger, it begins to swell and twist and turn, its making shapes now. Then just as quickly as it had appeared it was gone to reveal five atv looking shits the likes of which I've never seen. I have no way to describe them other than weird they were like fourwheeler meets the pope mobile but much faster. We took off to the west, we had no idea where we were going, but we were going to get there really really fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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