1. Suicide Mission

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Note: Corey being called Doom in the narration during part two and not during part one is not a mistake. It recognizes the shift in the character's behavior. Thanks.

November10th 1996 9:34 pm

"Doom,pay attention," Kyle ordered.

Kyleand Doom sat in Kyle's room surrounded by open notebooks and paperswith hand drawn maps and written plans.

"I'mpaying attention," Doom replied rubbing his eyes. "I'm just alittle tired."

"Yougot to learn to fight that shit. What if you were tired on the bigfucking day?"

"Yea,because I'll be tired when we're shooting Sean Fisher in the-"

"Shhh,"Kyle listened closely to hear if his mother was awake. "Don't talkso loudly, I don't want to wake my ma."

"Sorry,"mumbled Doom.

"It'sfine, just focus on the plans."

Doomlooked down at the paper he had been staring at for hours, with alist of names they planned to try and get revenge on.

"BrandonSanders," Kyle said, "write it."

Doomscribbled the name on the list. "Okay and what did he do."

"Ohman. He ruined seventh grade for me."

"Bemore specific," laughed Doom.

"Okay,so you know how it is with me and Ma, we don't have much money forclothes and things. So I always get shit for the littlest things,like I'll wear a yellow shirt, and somehow I've offended their greatancestors or some shit. You know, bro?"

"Yea,I know. It's good we wear black now," Doom said matter-o-factly.

"Yea,it's good for you, fatass, it's slimming," Kyle teased.

"I'mskinnier than you, and you're morbidly skinny," Doom defended.

"Iknow, I'm kidding. Anyway, I felt so bad about myself. They'd alwayscome up to me and say 'hey cool shirt, where did you get it?' and Iwould say, 'Johnson's Thrift Shop'. They would fucking laugh in myface, or make some comment about how I was poor or wore rags. And Ifucking hated it. Especially since Josh Ford was there, and he's pooras fuck. Like, his family lives in a camper and they didn't haveelectricity for like three years. I know this because his fuckingshitty camper was parked in front of my neighbors house, who was hisuncle or some shit. He's poorer than me, but he still thought hecould laugh at me. What a fucking dick.

"Soafter feeling like shit for too long, I decided the best way to avoidthem was to get myself some real nice clothes. Remember that time wewent to that high end clothing store? Just to look around and cringeat all the rich people?"

"Yea,I remember that," Doom said nostalgically. "My mommy bought mysome jeans from there once and they shrunk in the washer, so I couldnever wear them again and she stopped buying me nice jeans."

Kylesnorted. "You're machine probably wasn't fucking fancy enough towash them, you probably had to get them professionally cleaned orsome shit." Kyle paused. "Anyway, I went back there with a backpack and they kicked me out. So I went to this black guy in myneighborhood, and his girlfriend was this girl from Denmark or someshit, right? Well she was a kleptomaniac. She was good at stealingthings too, she could steal anything. So I asked her to get me a pairof jeans and she thought I was cute so she went back to that storewith me, and stole me a pair in my size. Shoved them right into herpurse, and we walked out, no trouble.

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