April 30th1997 12:07 pm
Kyledashed up the stairs and scanned the rooms. They were all locked andhe was alone in the hallway. He crept slowly through the corridor,his black boots tapping the floor gently as he walked. He stoppedabruptly in the hallway, trying to decide which room to break into.His uncle had taught him to kick down doors like the police did andhe was hoping his strength would be enough to get into the classroomhe chose.
"Room 135," hemumbled, "you're mine."
He took a step backand jumped into the door, his foot hitting right under the door knob.It did not open, so he repeated his actions. After several moments offrustration, the door swung open and Kyle stepped in. Studentsscrambled to the other side of the room and Kyle raised his weapon.An old teacher trembled in the corner. Kyle shot him first. A bulletpunctured his chest and he lay sputtering on the floor in agony.
A girl was screaming,and he realized he recognized her.
"Oh my god, howlucky am I?" Kyle said out loud. "April Duncan and Sean Fisher inthe same classroom. Talk about fate!"
Sean went pale, palerthan he was already.
"Get on your kneesand beg for your life."
Sean did not move, butslowly, he put his hands together and stared at Kyle in the eyes."Please," was all he could manage to say before Kyle shot himthrough the forehead. Blood and brain matter splattered behind them,hitting April Duncan on the side of her face.
"Bitch," Kyle saidbefore shooting her in the same fashion. "Cunt," he said to herdead body as it lie on the floor in a bloody pool.
Bored, Kyle shot someof the other students sloppily. Some were dead, and others lay dyingon the blood soaked carpet. Kyle hardly thought about what he hadjust done. He felt disappointed, that this was it, that he only gotto do this once. He felt lonely without Doom at his side, and turnedto stroll out to find the meeting place.
A red haired studenthad been crouching behind the desk, watching the whole scene withoutbeing involved. He ducked as Kyle turned, bobbing his head,wide-eyed, to see the killer leave the classroom.
Kyle stopped as he wasleaving and said "oh yeah." He turned around and shot the redhaired student in the face, and then strolled out casually.
Class of '97
HorrorKyle Holland and Corey Gross are ready to die, but before they do, they are going to make them pay...