Chapter 23

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My accidental evening with Will was the perfect distraction from the waitlist tragedy. But the next morning, reality had set in...

'' Tissue? Nevermind, I'm all out. You can use your sleeve, I won't tell anyone.'' Princi said.

'' So I guess Katniss got in.'' I mourned.

'' She did?!'' 

'' She must have!! You siad it yourself *only one student per year is admitted*. And if it wasn't me, then..''

'' But you got into University of Evanston, didn't you?''

'' Yeah..I mean I accepted for now.''

'' Perfect! That's sounds like a healthy and a positive direction.''

'' What?! No. I only accepted to be safe. I'm not giving up on Yale. If I get in, I'd backout *U of E* in a heartbeat.''

'' Are you familiar with the term *pipe dream*?''

'' Nope.''

'' Okay, by definition it means, uh- in so many words it.... It, um.. how do I..''


'' What I want to say is maybe it's time to cut your losses with Yale.'' he stuttered.

'' I can't... It'd mean cutting losses with ...myself! On my own potential! On what I'm supposed to be!!!''

'' Alright, alright. Simmer down. Forget me. I forget about the whole *unknown dad factor*.'' he said doing those *bunny ears* in the air.

'' But it's more than that. I can't let my Mum down again. I lost it on her when she was just  trying to help. I just wanna make her proud. How can I turn this around, Mr. Duvval?''

''If you have your heart set on it... ' a waitlist student should contact the school and ask where she stands on the list.' '' He read out from his phone.

'' What are you---''

'' 'And the students should request an interview with the admission department.' ''

'' Did you just look that up on your phone?'' I asked.

'' Yes.. yes I did.'' He rolled his eyes. '' I'm new at this!'' he continues, '' 'Most importantly, is she knows someone strongly tied to the school, she should do everything in her power to secure her recommendation.' So do you know anyone who ha some real clout over Yale? Friends? Neighbours? Friends of neighbours??''

'' Unlike some people, I don't have a legacy grandpa whose coattails I can ride onto until... Ohhh wait.''

Didn't Will said his dad was real *Yale type*???

'' Did you think of someone?'' Princi asked.

'' Nope.. I just remembered what you said about *class and dignity*. That thing about Katniss's Grandpa was out of line. I apologize.''

'' I appreciate that. You're a very driven young lady. If this is what you want, I'll support you.''

'' Thanks Mr. Duvval.''

'' Good luck.''

I'm gonna need it...

At lunch, I tried to dig up a little info on Will's dad... Let's see, if I search *Yale* and *Ferguson*.... Yes! *David Ferguson*! There's an article.. Donor?? Wait a second.. * broke ground on a new building for the theater department*... What?! *Ferguson Hall* is named after Will's Dad?! He could practically *wink* at Yale and I'd get accepted! But if I ask Will, he'd think I only like him to get in his dad's good graces..

'' Amy!'' I waved.

'' Hey! Did you hear from Yale?''

'' Have you seen Will?''

'' Uh, I think he's in the drama room. He's holding *auditions* for his Masterpiece.''

Wait a minute.. maybe Will's dad can see me in the play! As long as my Mum never finds out...

'' You look frazzled. Everything okay?'' Amelia asked.

'' My whole life is crumbling!'' I reply.

'' Woah. What's going on?''

'' I got waitlisted. And my Mum won't look at me without shaking her head.''

'' Been there. It sucks. Did Katniss get in?''

'' I think so.''

'' Ouch. What are you gonna do?''

'' Mr. Duvval says I need to find an alum to reach to Yale on my behalf. And get this: Will's dad went to Yale.''

'' Is that really a tree you want to bark up?''

'' He's not a casual alum. He's a major player!! There's a frickin' building named after him!!''

'' I see.. but..''

 I let out a deep breath that I didn't realise I was holding. ""How do I look?''

'' Frantic. Why?''

'' Cause I gotta go land the lead role in Will's play.'' I walked off.

'' Break a leg. Or a heart.'' Amy called out after me.

Mean Girls: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now