Chapter 28

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It was a week before final decisions were due and I still hadn't heard from Yale. My Mum was even more anxious than usual.

'' You're on that thing again?'' I ask Mum working out on the treadmill.

'' I couldn't sit still. I was worked up... That deadline is barrelling at us!''

'' I'm more than aware, Mum.''

'' Sorry, but I want to make sure you've done everything possible to put you at the top of that list.''

'' I know... and I have. Between that interview I aced and the recommendation almost clinched, I have never felt more confident.''

'' Who is this alum again?''

''  My friend's dad.''

'' And he's willing to put in a good word? A *great* word is what you really need.''

'' I'm pretty sure, I'm working on it.''

'' Okay, plus you're studying.''

My Mum still didn't know about the play. I told her I'll be staying late for a study group.

'' Plus, I sent Yale my updated transcript. All A's. I'm in really good shape.''

'' I believe it. You've been at that study group till eight practically every night! ''

Oh yeah. My *study group*. Perhaps this is how I can tell her about the play.

'' You know, it wouldn't hurt if my resume had a little... different... like the spring play.''

'' Baby, we've talked about this. I just think it's the wrong direction. And it worries me.''

'' But what if.... What if doing this play guaranteed I'd get that recommendation?''

'' Honey, you can get that recommendation on your own merits. You don't have to run off and pretend to be something you aren't. And I'm sure this Alum is sharp enough to see right through that sort of thing.''

I am worried about that too. It bummed me out that she thought that I was only pretending to care about the play. But really...and it came as a total surprise.. the play had totally become my favourite thing to do.

All day long at school, I couldn't wait to get to the rehearsals! 


Acting was the perfect emotional outlet for everything going on...

'' But Cassandra!'' Will played his part.

'' Love? It can feel like a fight to death. But..'', I paused, '' Did you rewrite this?'' I asked.

'' Uh-huh. Go on.''

'' But if you both set down weapons, it's not a fight. It's actually a ....a dance.''  '' Will?''

'' I thought a lot about what you said. About *love*. I want it to connect to my audience, not alienate it. What do you think?'' He asked, adjusting his beanie.

'' I think it's perfect!''

What started as a desperate play to get in good with Will's Dad, had become a true obsession.

*At home*


'' Hey Danny!''

'' Ashley! Today's the day! I'm gonna ask the smoothie guy. And I need a wing-woman. If I go by myself, I'll look like a stalky creeper.''

'' Right now?''

'' Yes! I'll be way to nervous any other time.''

'' Sounds fun, but I can't tonight.''

'' First Jade, then you?''

'' I'm sorry but I blew my birthday money on a third row seat to a play in the city.''

The one Will told me about.

'' Since when did you become Will-level obsessed with theater?''

'' I know, it's really grown on me.''

I want a perfect outfit for my evening of culture. I chose a little black dress witha wide silver belt and pulled my hair back in a high ponytail. Now that I'm dressed the part, there's one last thing to be taken care of.

'' Hey Mom! Heading to the study group!''

'' On a Saturday?''

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