Chapter 19

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One month later.

'' Hey everyone. Welcome back to my channel. We're counting down the days to winter break and that means the clock is ticking away on college application deadline! It may be cold outside but things are heating up in the battle of Yale! It is neck to neck between Ashley Payne and...'' Tiffany blabbered on.

'' Sorry'' I waved, '' In a hurry.''

'' And Katniss Starwood, who will pocket a whooping $3 million if she goes to the school of Ash's dreams.'' Tiffany continues.

'' HI everyone. Love ya.'' Katniss responded.

'' Kate tell us. What happened with your SATs?'' Tiff asked.

'' On my way to check the results right now!'' 

'' I'm proud to report that my SAT tests came back all negative.''

'' That's STD, Tiffany.''

'' Oh, I hope Kate wins. I can take a butt-load of trips to Cabo with $3 million. And now my lottery number predictions.. 6,9,32..''

'' Come on, come on come on....'' I waited impatiently.

'' What's the emergency?'' Will asked.

'' My SAT scores were out 2 minutes ago and my stupid phone's frozen!!!'' I reply.

'' You waited for two whole minutes? You're slacking, Payne. Maybe go old school and try the computer lab?''

'' Good idea.'' I say before scurrying away to the lab.

'' Clear the path people! Ashley's on a mission!'' Will yells.

'' Thanks.'' I say back.

'' Good luck.''

Ever since the blood camp, William kept popping up in my mind. I just needed to know he liked me or not. I was so anxious. But so did my SAT results..

Not *quite* the scores I was hoping for....

'' How did you do?'' Katniss asks.

'' How'd *you* do?'' I dodge the question.

'' Nice try. I asked you first.''

'' Why do you even want to know?''

'' Just curious, jeez.  I'm trying to be friendly and you're all defensive over nothing.''

'' I'm not defensive!'' 

'' See what I mean?''

Grrrrr. She always does *that*.

'' I'll tell you mine, if you tell me ours.''

'' Okay, on the count of three.''

'' One,two,three...''

I stay silent.

'' Fair enough.''


'' Not that it matters anyway, at this point.'' Kate says.

'' Exactly. Too late to do anything about it.''

'' Yeah.''

'' Hey, Danny. Have you checked your...'' I am cut off by his strange behaviour. He walks away.

That was weird.

'' What's up with him?'' I ask Jade.

'' We're on a friend *hiatus*.'' she replies.

'' What happened?''

'' For the last three years, I and Danny have this New Years Eve tradition. He comes over, we order wings and we wait for the ball to drop. And then we take a shot every time someone mentions the word 'ball'. And we're usually passed out by 10.'' she explains.

'' So?''

'' So I just broke the news that I had made New Years plans with Trevor.''

'' Oh, that was not well received.''

'' Not at all.''

'' Maybe I could talk to him?''

'' What would you say?''

'' To snap out of it! Kidding. Just try to give him some perspective, see your side of things. And remind him how amazing you are, ofcourse.''

'' Thanks kid.''

'' So I'm going to the museum with Will tomorrow.''

'' Ok, spicy! What are you going to wear?''

'' Haven't thought about it yet.''

'' I heard him saying that he really likes outfits that are cute and playful. Wadda think? See if you have anything like that.''

'' I will! Thanks Jade.''

I was hoping to use the museum trip to get a better read on if Will was into me. True, its basically homework but the *one-on-one time* with William aspect has me overthinking about my outfit. Let's see, I'll try something.

I decide to wear a red cute dress, with a flowy finishing just above the knees. He'll love this!

'' Hey Ash!''

'' Hey.''

'' Wow, you look incredible! I feel like I could pick you up and spin you around in that dress!!!''

'' Don't get any crazy ideas!'' I say, laughing.

'' Too late.''

'' You ready?''

'' Uh-huh. Let's go learn stuff..''

I know I should be analyzing  the paintings, but Will is more visually appealing...

'' They had some pretty fashion choices in Shakespeare's time, eh?'' He says, bringing me back to reality.

'' Tights and Pantaloons? I think you could rock that look.''

'' How about that crazy-lace collar in that painting?''

'' You'd look pretty cute in those things.''

'' It's like she's being choked by a bunch of coffee filters.''

'' Hold on, I have an idea.''

'' What?''

'' I want a picture of you by that picture of the queen.''

He wants *me* in his picture?

'' Um, okay.'' I reply.

'' So what's your opinion of all these?''

'' Their wardrobes were gorgeous. But I think It's a prime example of how, historically, women have been held to impossible standards. I *mean*, poor Elizabeth. Could you imagine waging a war in *that*?''

'' Told ya. Smartest person in class.''

'' I wish. My SAT scores were not what I was expecting.''

'' I bet they'll still blow my scores out of the water.''

'' I don't think they're strong enough to lock in Yale.''

'' Maybe you shouldn't let Yale decide to think of yourself.''

'' I'll make a note.''

'' Always quick with the comebacks.It's cute.''

Did he just called me *cute*?!

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