New beginnings

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You are moving to California, precisely to Los Angeles: home of young artists, celebrities, people looking for success and fame.

"I've had enough of fame." You think while sitting on the plane, looking at the clouds below hoping to get to your destination soon.

About the fame thing, you experienced it a while ago. You and your family have been friends with Justin Bieber's family for a very long time, even before he became famous and all of that. He used to have a little bit of a crush on you when you were kids. You laugh at that. So, long story short, you saw his whole life change because of fame and how he had to deal with paparazzis and privacy stuff. You and Justin are still good friends, talking everyday and facetiming once in a while. You remember when you told Justin that you wanted to move to L.A. to capture your journey through the City of Angels. He told you to move in to his house in Calabasas and you accepted. Your parents were happy that you wouldn't be on your own in such a big city and they totally supported your project and your dreams. They always were really understanding and open-minded people, even when you told them you liked girls they didn't care, they just wanted the best for you.

You feel the plane land and the indication to unfasten your seat belt appears. You go through all the procedure before grabbing your luggage. As you are exiting the building, you see a man holding a sign with Y/N printed on it.

"You must be Y/N, I'm your driver," says the old man with a British accent while shaking your hand "You can call me Arthur".

"My pleasure," you respond.

"Mr. Bieber couldn't be here as he had to take care of some business, but I can assure you he will be in the house by the time we arrive."

"Oh sure, I understand. He must be very busy," you say as you get in the luxurious black car. You check your phone and reply to some messages from your parents and friends telling them you have arrived safely. The rest of the journey is spent in comfortable silence, commenting on the weather or traffic. Arthur appears to be a really good and wise man.

You wouldn't stop staring out of the window, L.A. always amazed you. Arthur stops at one of the resident entry gates of Hidden Hills. There, the security guy greets him and asks for his I.D and then for yours.

"Oh alright, seems like Mr. Bieber is waiting for you guys already. Go ahead," he says as he returns your IDs and opens the gate. Arthur drives you through the streets of the gated community which is full of majestic and beautiful mansions. You are in awe.

"Alright Miss, here we are," he says and gets out of the car so as to grab your suitcase. You are astonished. The house in front of you is huge. You recognize some of your friend's expensive cars in the garage while you follow Arthur through the place.

"Hey you," says a familiar voice behind you. You turn around and see Justin with a big smile on his face, running to hug you. You really have missed him, he's your best friend after all.

"Hey you," you repeat mockingly. "I missed you, squirrel face."

"Missed you too, Y/N. I'm so glad you are here," he says genuinely.

"You are gonna make me cry and then you will cry. Let's stop with all this sentimentality. How have you been?"

"Pretty good actually. I have tons of things to tell you. But first, let me show you your room and then we'll eat something," he leads you inside the house and then to your room in the second floor. "Alright, so you'll be staying here. You can make as many changes as you like. Arthur left your luggage inside that closet. Get comfortable and when you are ready come downstairs to the kitchen."

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