I care

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You are devastated. Some days pass and you hear nothing from her. After she left you crying all alone in your car, without any explanation, you went home and cried your heart out. And there's something that you probably hate but it's who you are, and that's that after rejection you tend to ignore the other person and do not communicate with them at all. So you haven't texted her and neither has she. You really don't get what happened. You were perfectly fine and in just some hours she got like that. It couldn't have been because of Cara, right? They are friends and you don't think that Kendall isn't that jealous to 'break up' with you because of that. And yes, 'break up' because you never got to that stage of girlfriends. So she said she needed time, I mean, how much time? People saying they need time is usually a poor excuse to say 'I don't want you anymore' and it hurts. It hurts really bad.

Two weeks passed already and still no news. What angers you most is that she didn't give you any explanation. So now you are overthinking. Too much overthinking. What did you do? Doesn't she like you anymore? Is she interested in someone else? Is she confused? Is time for you to move on? Probably. She was the one who left you after all. And if she needs time then you'll give time to her. But you won't wait forever.

So after a month, you decide that now is the right time to move on. You are surprised because she kept such a low-key profile this last month that even paparazzi couldn't know where she was. Justin was always there for you and he was pissed off. Like, you've never seen him like this. He couldn't stand seeing you hurting. He's helped you a lot and you are really glad you have him by your side.

One night you are having dinner with the blond, both of you scrolling through your phones. What you see next makes your vision go blurry in a second. You are shocked. You can't speak a word. Justin notices and takes the phone off your hand. His eyebrows furrow instantly.

"What the fuck?" He says angered. E!News just published an article about Kendall Jenner's new man. And there were too many photos of them together in a NBA game. Most pictures were of them holding hands and doing cute couple things. You rolled your eyes as you see the rest of the photos, letting some tears out.

"You know what? Fuck her," You tell him wiping away the tears. He just hugs you, soothing you. That article made your heart shatter. And then when you saw a photo on her Instagram of his tattooed arm, you knew it was a confirmed relationship. Fuck. Fuck her. You are better than this. That night you slept in Justin's bed. He cuddled you and made you feel safe and loved, just like a brother.

After some days of totally ignoring and not stalking her you feel like your emotions detached from yourself. That was something you were used to do when you felt sad about something. You actually turn into a bitch. You hate that but it was some kind of self defense.

"Babe, Chris is throwing this huge party this weekend and we should go and get fucking wasted," Justin suggests.

"I'm in," You answer without thinking it twice. You need to get your mind occupied. You need to meet new people. You need to enjoy things.

"Good, do you want me to invite Mia too?" You feel nervous all of the sudden. You have been talking with the girl but just as friends; however you feel attracted to her. And you think she's a little bit into you too.

"Sure," You nod and give him a small smile.

The weekend is here and you get ready for tonight's party. It amazes that you and Justin always dress similar, like right now you are wearing skinny black jeans, vans and he's wearing a oversized pink shirt while you opted for a white tee and a denim jacket. You pick Mia up from her house and she seats in the backseat with you. She looks gorgeous.

"Hey," She says excitedly. "Ready for tonight?" You nod giving her a shy smile.

Once you arrive at the party, which is already crowded with friends and some other celebrities, you go with Mia to get something to drink. You know that Kendall hasn't met Chris, so you won't see her at all. Thankfully.

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