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"It's good that you two have known each other already," your friend says ignoring the Instagram comment.

"Why?" you ask curiously while taking a sip of your orange juice.

"Because she texted me to see if we wanted to hang out with her and some friends," he tells.

"What!?" you dramatically say, almost choking on the juice.

"Yeah, look," he shows you the text message.

"You haven't replied yet, what are you gonna say?"

"I don't know, I wanted to check with you. Do you wanna hang out with her?" he sees the hesitation in your eyes. "You met her, she's cool. And she probably likes you because she wouldn't have texted me otherwise."

"Alright, let's go then. Ask her what are we gonna do so I know what to wear" he nods. You finish your breakfast anxious about the rest of the day. "So, what do you know about that girl?"

"What do you mean?" he furrows his eyebrows.

"Uhmm I don't know, she seems very private. Like has she ever had a serious boyfriend?"

"Oh I see," he smirks and you blush because he already knows. "Little crush on Kenny girl".

"I just think she is cute," you defend yourself.

"Well, she is private, yes. She doesn't open up easy either. I am friends with her but I don't really know those kind of things. So far, she's been single and shows interest in like anybody,"

"Did you ever flirt with her?" you know Justin can be very flirty and that's how he gets so many girls.

"Of course I did. Who doesn't want to bang Kendall Jenner?" he stated. "However, she showed no interest so we stayed as friends. I did bang Hailey though," he smirks.

"Alright womanizer... so you think she could play for my team?"

"Definitely. I know stereotypes mean nothing but she's a little bit of a tomboy sometimes. Just don't get your hopes up, I don't want to see you heartbroken," he tells you protectively.

"Yeah. I mean, even if she played for my team do you think she would notice me like that? Of course not," you chuckle.

"Well you are pretty hot babe," he wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. You roll your eyes. "Alright, alright. Yes you are hot but I think looks are not that important for her. So, all in all, you are screwed," he jokes.

His phone lights up with a notification.

"She says 'We'll just chill at my condo'" he tells you.

"Comfy clothes then," you go to your room to dress. You wear one of those jogging pants that are trending lately, your favorite sweatshirt and your vans. Very simple but still you look good. You check yourself in the mirror and decide to put some make up on. You always go for the natural look. So just a little bit of foundation and eye mascara. You let your hair down and grab on your way out your aviator sunglasses. Justin is waiting for you already.

"My best friend looks so pretty," he says side hugging you and leading you to his car.

After almost an hour of driving you get to your destination.

"Miss Jenner is waiting for you," the doorman says. Your friend has been here before because he's the one leading you here.

"This place is so big," you comment to him while going up in the elevator. He nods in agreement.

Kendall is waiting for you already when you get there. She is wearing her Nike leggings matching her Nike sneakers and a grey crop top which exposes her toned stomach. You are pretty sure she could wear a garbage bag and still look good.

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