Hidden beach

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You arrive at her apartment, she is already waiting downstairs and gets closer to the car. Kendall inspections her, from head to toes. She has to let that girl know that you are hers.

"Hi," Mia shyly greets you. She doesn't seem shocked when she sees Kendall. Maybe she knows her from somewhere? You'll ask later. Kendall, on the other side, is inspecting Mia from head to toes. The model can see that this girl is very pretty and attractive and she definitely doesn't want her near you. She usually isn't this possessive or jealous but when it comes to you, she can't help it.

"Hi Mia!" You give her an excited smile. "So let me introduce you to Kendall Jenner, Kenny this is Mia," Kendall fakes a smile and extends her hand.

"So, where are we heading?" Kendall asks to Mia, looking at her from the rear-view mirror.

"Do you have a GPS there?" The model nods. "Alright, I'll put the address there,"

"So, how did you meet Justin?" Kendall asks after some minutes of driving.

"He kinda flirted with me, I turned him down because I'm not into boys at all, but then we just got along and since then we are friends," She simply explained.

"Oh I see, and do you have a girlfriend?" The model bluntly asks.

"Not yet, I have my eye on someone though," This time you gulp. You don't know for sure if it's you because you don't like assuming things. Kendall narrows her eyes and grips the steering wheel.

"So, where are you taking me?" You quickly change subject.

"You'll have to wait and see it for yourself,"

"That's so not fair," She sticks her tongue out.

You arrive at a really beautiful white house in the beach. Kendall parks in the garage of that house and you all get out. Kendall takes the opportunity to take a better look of this girl. She is tall. Probably as tall as she is. She's got a nice body too.

"Is this house yours?" You say looking at Mia.

"Kind of," She gives you a sideway smile.

"It's a really nice home," You say once you are in the house.

"It's not a mansion but it's really comfy," After Mia shows you her house you go to the beach which is next to the house. "So this is what I wanted to show you," She takes your hand and guides you to some kind of cave rock. You look at Kendall to see if she is following and she is but she looks pissed off. Probably because Mia's hand is still in yours. You quickly occupy both of your hands on the camera which is already recording. The cave is rather dark but thanks to a flashlight Mia brought everything is visible. "You know, the cave is nice and all, but there's one more thing which is gonna blow you away,"

"Have you ever been here?" You ask Kendall which is some steps behind.

"This is the first time actually," After getting a little bit deeper in the cave you feel Kendall take your hand. You look at her and smile. "I'm a little bit scared to be honest," She murmurs. You squeeze her hand reassuringly. Then, you start seeing a tiny light which gets brighter as you get closer. And then you reach the end of the cave, where there's a hidden beach. Mia was right. This is such a breathtaking view and nobody seems to know about this location either. You and Kendall are gasping because this seems from another world.

"This is astonishing," You say still in awe. "Not many people know about this place, right?"

"No... The cave is well hidden and people usually don't get in there. My brothers and I found it a while ago and it has been our spot since then. And I really wanted to share it with you," She smiles at you.

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