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After the accident, Kendall has been treating you like a princess. Since she was so close to losing you she doesn't want to waste more time in nonsense and fights.

"What are you looking at?" You say sleepily, laying in bed and feeling her stare burning in your skin.

"How beautiful you are," She says tracing her index finger on your skin. Her touch makes you shiver.

"Cheesy, come cuddle me," You ask. She immediately is closing the space between you two and spooning you. You feel her naked body against yours and her breathing on the back of your neck. Shivers all through your body again. "I wish we could stay like this forever," You whisper.

"Me too," She plants a soft kiss on your shoulder.

After recovering from your broken ribs, your girlfriend decided to leave you alone for a week as she was traveling to New York. She has an interview on Jimmy Fallon's show and you are excited. He's your favorite ever. Kendall insisted on taking you with her so you could meet him but you are really busy with work and you know that you'll eventually cross paths. Since Justin's video release you have been getting lots of work and making much more money that you'd expected. So work's been good but it is also time consuming.

The show is filmed that day but it's aired at night, so Kendall called you to ask you to watch it because of some "big surprise". What kind of surprise though? Whatever, you do as she said and soon the show is starting. After doing some fun games and all they get to the interview part.

"So, Kendall, you are the model of the moment and you are constantly on the spotlight. And not only because of your career or your family but people really seem interested in your love life. Now, I'm not gonna ask you any personal questions or anything, but I'll give you the opportunity here to clarify your current status relationship, if you want,"

"Well Jimmy, you know, I've been linked to so many people and most of them are just friends. I think people don't think you can have friends nowadays," He nods agreeing. "So, yeah, you and I know that I'm actually in a relationship," Kendall says. Jimmy knew about us like some other people in the media. Suddenly, in the screen, appears a photo of us together. This was all planned then. "Yeah, right there, that's my girlfriend, Y/N, and I love her so much. She makes me really happy," She says with a proud smile. You actually thought that that subject was going to be aired on KUWTK. You know that they have filmed some stuff, like meeting her parents and all, but maybe she wanted to say it herself and not to make a big deal about it. Like, she doesn't want people to think she does this for fame or money.

"You make a very cute couple. Will she appear on Keeping up with the Kardashians?" Jimmy asks.

"Actually, yes. I think that there's an episode where she meets my parents and another one where we go to Bali together,"

You grab your phone and dial Kendall's number.


"Oh my God! You did it!" You say excitedly.

"Yes, I did. No more hiding. I love you,"

"God, I love you so much,"

After having dinner with her family, you and Kendall are coming back to the condo.

"Since you have been practically living in the condo for the last month, why don't you move in completely?" Kendall asks while driving through L.A. streets.

"Y-you want me to?" That took you by surprise. Yeah, sure, you have been living with her since the accident because she insisted on taking care of you. How sweet. But yeah, you weren't staying at Justin's anymore. But moving in is a huge step for the relationship. Hell, you want more than anything to live with her. Forever.

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