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'Was that real?' 'Does that mean she likes me?' 'She will probably regret it tomorrow'. You only hope she doesn't regret it and that you can explore whatever you have. Tiredness wins over and you fall asleep. You are pretty sure you dream of her that night. Now you have to wait until tomorrow...

Sunlight wakes you up. You open your eyes lazily and remember all that happened last night. If Kendall wasn't right next to you sleeping peacefully, you would have thought it was just a dream. You look at her for a few minutes, laying right next to you, cuddling your arm. She is beautiful and you can not believe how lucky you are. But then, you remember. What if she regrets it? She was the one who started the kiss so that means she wanted it, right?. You feel like a creep after watching her sleep for some minutes, so you decide to slowly get up and go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Once in the kitchen, you see that rain has stopped and that power is back again. Before making breakfast you light the fire in the living room because it's rather cold, carefully trying not to wake the model up, who is clearly missing the heat of your body. You go back to the kitchen and start making pancakes.

"Smells good," You hear Kendall's voice say after some minutes. You look at her, still sleepy and her hair messy but cute.

"Someone's hungry?" You ask her.

"I am," She is still standing in the same spot and clearly freezing.

"Why don't you go back to the living room so you don't freeze here? I'll bring breakfast in a moment,"

"Are you sure you don't want me to help?"

"Yep, go back please, you are shivering," She does as you say and go back to the living room. Nothing weird seem to have happened. Everything was back to normal. At least in that conversation. But you really didn't want everything going back at the way things were before. Maybe you'll talk about this later.

You find her curled up, scrolling through her phone. You give her the orange juice and her pancakes and then you eat your pancakes silently. You check your phone, finding 3 new messages. One from Justin to see how you and the model were doing. Another one from your parents checking on you. And one more from Mia asking you are free this Thursday.

You reply to your parents and Justin a quick answer. Then you read again Mia's text message. Kendall was really upset when she texted you last night but she was definitely a good person and you didn't mind her showing you around. And it's not like you and Kendall are married, you are not even dating. You just kissed. Besides, she's a friend... Yes, a friend who likes girls but that doesn't mean she likes you and she is taking you on a date. You don't even know if Mia is interested in you at all. And you are probably overthinking all this and it's not making you think clearly. So that's why you decide to answer to that message later until you figure everything out.

"What are you thinking about?" Kendall asks you with worried eyes.


"What kind of stuff?" She insists.

"I'm thinking about last night," You hesitantly say.

"I thought a lot about that too," She shyly says.

"Do you regret it?" You finally ask. She raises an eyebrow at you.

"Do you think I regret it?" You shrug your shoulders. She sits next to you now. "Look at me," You do as she tells you. "I kissed you, right? I kissed you because I wanted to, because at the moment felt like the right thing to do, because I couldn't express with words what I wanted to say and because I like you, okay?" She tells you while holding your hand. "And I think I could understand if you don't like me back or..."

"I kissed you back, right?" You smile at her. She smiles back and goes for a hug. She wraps her arms tightly around your neck while you are holding her by her waist.

"I think we should go slow, you know? I like you too much to mess up everything," She says and you nod. She breaks apart. "Are you ready to go home?" You nod again, wordlessly, really. After all, what could you say after hearing all those sweet words?

You are now going back to the city. It's cloudy outside but it's not raining and doesn't look as if that's gonna happen. You are both silent, she is focused on the road and you are staring out of the window. You are thinking of the words she said. She wants to take it slow, that's okay with you. Rushed things don't end up very well.

"Have you talked to Mia?" She suddenly asks you. You can hear the tone of jealousy in her voice although she did her best to hide it.

"She texted me but I didn't replied yet,"

"Oh, what did she say?"

"Ermm, she wanted to hang out this Thursday and wanted to know if I was free,"

"And what are you gonna say?"

"Well, about that, I was thinking that it would be a good idea if all of us 3 hang out together..." You suggest. "You could get to know her and besides she is really pretty, I mean, she could be a model and you know, you are a model and maybe make contacts and I don't know," You are rambling. And she is glaring at you.

"Oh, so is she really pretty?" Well, fuck.

"In a model way, yes," You quickly answer.

"And what do you mean by 'model way'?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I mean, she is tall, face very symmetrical. You should meet her, after all you are a model too, you would know if she is in conditions for a modeling career,"

"I guess," She bits her lip. "Then I'll pick you both tomorrow if that's okay?"

"Sure," You smile. The journey is quiet and then she drops you home. Before you left the car, she held your hand and give you a quick peck. Even such a little peck make you feel butterflies in your stomach.

'Mia, yeah I'm free. Look, I was thinking of bringing a friend if that's okay with you? I think you will be delighted to meet her," You send that message.

'Oh, that's okay with me! I wonder who she is 🤔. I'm excited!!"

'lol, you will find out!! I'm excited too. I'm picking you up tomorrow, so be ready!"

'Yes!! I'll be waiting, night Y/N!'


You go to sleep, after all you are very tired. You fall asleep as soon as you touch your bed.

Next morning you wake up with a message of Kendall.

'U up?'

"i just woke up,"

'Do u want me to pick u up and go have breakfast maybe? And then head to Mia's?'

"alrighhht, I'll be ready in a sec'

You get ready to go have breakfast with Kendall. She is picking you up. You hear a horn. She must be outside.

"Hey," You say as you open your front door.

"Hey cutie," She tells you while going for a hug. "We are going to one of my favorite restaurants ever, I'm sure you will love it,"

"Alright," You simply say. As long as you are spending time with her, you are happy.

She drives until she stops in what it seems to be her favorite restaurant. You go in, get comfy and the waitress is quickly ready to take your orders.

"We will have breakfast for two," She says and the waitress seem to understand immediately. Your food arrives at the table and you do nothing but talk about the weather, your favorite artists, and some other things that may not seem important but that are part of her life too. "Okay, are you ready to go pick up Mia?" You nod. "Tell her we are on our way?" You let your friend know that you are already on your way to pick her up. You arrive at her apartment, she is already waiting downstairs and gets closer to the car. Kendall inspections her, from head to toes. She has to let that girl know that you are hers.

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