Pixie dust

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"Ellie, get up." I heard the sweetest voice say. It was so nice compared to what I was used to, when I was at the orphanage. When I opened my eyes I saw Pan and the boys, but they were surrounding the stump where Tinkerbell was. "Stop! Nock it off!" I heard Tinkerbell's voice. Pan had her in his hands. "Pan put her down!" I screamed.
"Why? She came into our home to destroy it."
"No she didn't Pan," I passed afraid to finish the sentence. "I brought her in." All the boys looked at me astonished. Pan droped Tink. "You did what?!" Pan yelled.
"It's fine. She's ok I promise."
"We have to get rid of her."
"Why? She not gonna do anything."
"What if we made a deal?" Tink interrupted us. Pan looked at her and said "What kind of deal?"
"I can get you pixie dust."
"It makes you fly idiot."
"That's sounds awesome!" Yelled the lost boys.
"Ya it is." Tink said snobby.
"I know what it does I'm not dumb." Pan said angrily. "let's go."
We left the hideout and went to the Pixie Dust Tree according to Tink.
The tree was huge. Gigantic to be precise, it was bigger than you'd expect. There was something lighting up the tree, it looked like some kind of dust. "Just stuck your hands in and take some." Tink said.
"But what if we want to take some with us." I asked.
"Your welcome to come back anytime and get more. And to take some with you you'll need a pouch of some kind. There's some over there." Tink pointed to a small rack with a few bags on it, I didn't see it before. I walked to it with Peter behind me. I grabbed one of the leather bags. I turned around and Peter was practically on top of me. "Excuse me." I said.
"Excuse me." He just stood there "Please move."
"Oh, ya, here." He slid over and reached around me snatch a bag and followed behind me. I fill the bag from the dust that was falling from the top of the tree. Pan copied my every move. Then he stuck his hands in it and threw it on himself. He started to rise in the air, the lost boys following him of course. He grabed my hands and shoved them under the tree. I pulled them out to see the dust in my hand, then Pan said "Throw it on yourself and think happy thoughts." I did as told and and I rose as well. We said goodbye to Tink and the fairies and went on our way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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