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We were outside for awhile. We were all playing and messing around. "Shall we all eat?" Pan said.
"Ya!" The boys screamed, I as well. We tumbled in the old tree. We all landed in front of the giant heap of food. The boys lined up in an order and placed me in the middle. They started passing everything around in an order that I really didn't get, but they seemed to. Nibs handed glasses to everyone with some kind of juice in it. "Raise your glasses." Pan said, so we did. I looked around and noticed that Slightly was on my right, Tootless was on my left, and Pan was in front of us. "A toast," Pan started. "To never growing up, to never facing reality, to never having adults to boss us around, to being a lost boy!"
"Hurrah! Hooray! Whoowho!" We all screamed unevenly. We all drank the juice and ate the food. "Isn't this great Ellie?" Nibs asked.
"Yeah. It really is." He smiled at me and ran off.
"Hey Ellie wanna play?" The Twins asked in sync. They had three slingshots and three small bags of rocks.
"Sure." I said happily and excited. I grabbed a slingshot and a bag of rocks. I looked around and all the boys had rocks in hand and some kind of way to shot the rocks they were all different. "Fire!" Pan said as he flew across the room. The boys shot rocks at me so I fired back and soon enough we were all shooting rocks at each other. "Boys! Up!" Slightly said. We did as he said.
"At Pan!" Curly cried. We aimed at Pan.
"Fire!" Slightly screamed and we all shot Pan.
We did these fun yet weird sports or what ever you call them. Soon enough it was time to sleep or at least I thought it was. I yawned and all the boys looked at me. They looked angry, confused, and every other enotion there is. "What? Don't we go to sleep i'm kinda tired."
"Go to bed? Why would we do that?" Pan questioned me.
"Cuz we need rest." Pan look at me confused then ordered me and the rest of the lost boys to go to bed, so we did.

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