Midnight with fairies

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We hedded to our hammocks ready to jump in them. The Twins ran around the room blowing out candles. It was completely dark, once the candles were out and the boys were asleep so, there was no noise. As I was about to fall asleep I saw a little green light flying about. I watched it for a bit then it disappeared, so I tried to sleep again. But as soon as I turned to my side the little light was on my noise. I waved it it away, but it kept coming back. It pulled at my shirt trying to get me up, so I did.
I followed the light for what felt like hours. We finally got to this stump with lots of mushroom rings everywhere. As I looked at it all it was all lit up with hundreds of little lights of every color, but my light was green and it wouldn't leave me alone, it kept leading me around. When the light stop there was no lights around, but the little light went into a hollowed out tree I walked to it and saw a cage. In it was two small green lights one was stuck and the other was flying around trying to get the other out. The one that was out was much smaller than the one in the cage. The little light slipped through the bars of the cage and landed on the other light, there was a flash and they seemed to fuse together. I then heard crying I looked around for anyone, then I realized the it was coming from the light. "Are you ok?" I asked the light. A high squeaky voice answered me. "No! I am not ok. I am in a cage."
"Oh can I try to help?"
"I don't care nothing will work I tried everything." I found a tiny twig and stuck it in the lock, that was only the size of a bread crum. I wiggled it around and then I heard a pop. The cage was open. The green light flew out. "Thank you so much! I thought I was going to die in there."
"Ya no problem." I replied
"I'm Tinkerbell." She said and stuck her tiny hand out to me. I reached my pinky out to her she grabed it and shook it as I said my name. "Nice to meet you Ellie."
"Same to you." She flew into my hand and sat there. I looked closer at he and she had green skin, her hair was green, she had a small necklace with a butterfly on it, a green dress, the only thing that wasn't green on her was a tiny pink flower in her hair and her big red-pink lips, and she had a tear rolling down her face. I wiped the tear a way with my pinky and she then looked up at me. "Why were you in that cage anyway?" I questioned her.
"Someone wanted my pixi dust. And the only way to get it from a fairy is by capturing them or if they give it to you willingly."
"Oh... but who captured you?"
"Shhh..... he's still here." She whispered and pointed to the trees. I looked and thought I saw a shadowy figure that looked like a person. "Here why don't you come with me. You'll be safe or at least safer anyway." She nodded and we left to the hideout.
I found a turquoise flower near the hideout I picked it and brought it inside. We crept in silently I put the flower down on a stump next to my hammock. The stump was next to a wall and my hammock was blocking it. I then set Tinkerbell on the flower. I pulled off a petal for her to use as a blanket. I hopped in my hammock hoping that no one saw me leave or Come Back in. I quickly fell asleep, but I felt like someone was watching me.

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