The Jedi Temple

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Darth Maul strode up the long staircase towards the main entrance of the temple. He was disguised in the Nautolan's old Jedi Robes and carried his purple lightsaber. As Maul strode up to the entrance, two Temple Guards blocked his way.

"Identification please," said one of the Guards. Maul showed his lightsaber to the Guard and he nodded.

"Go right through," he said as Maul put his lightsaber back in his pocket. Maul had never been in the Jedi Temple before, but he was surprised at what he saw before him. The main hallway was full of Jedi of all ages meditating, talking and even eating. He went up to a Padawan and asked him where Kit Fisto would be.

"I think that he is in the training room, but I am not certain," said the Padawan.

"Thank you," Maul replied as he headed towards a room where he could see Jedi fighting one another. He walked in and stood amongst the onlookers. The Padawan was right, Fisto was in here but he was currently engaging in a duel with another Jedi.

"You are doing well, Plo," said Fisto as he blocked an attack from the other Jedi. "Soon you will exceed even me in combat." Kit Fisto and Plo Koon battled for a while until Fisto eventually landed a good few blows on Koon, eventually knocking his lightsaber away. Darth Maul then went up to Fisto and spoke to him.

"Excuse me, Kit Fisto? Your brother has sent me a message that he requires your help," said Maul, bending the truth slightly.

"I have no business with that traitor," said Fisto.

"He will die if you don't help him. He is your brother," Maul replied. Kit Fisto looked undecided.

"Why shall he die?" asked Fisto.

"Because a war is about to start on the planet of Naboo. A force-user named Rahziid is sending troops as we speak to Naboo and your brother's people are going to war," Maul said. Fisto considered and then nodded.

"I will help because he is my brother but no other Jedi shall aid you. We are not bred for war," Fisto said. "First though, I want to test your power and skill in combat." Maul sighed. He was not used to using a single bladed lightsaber but he had no choice in the matter.

Darth Maul pulled out the purple lightsaber once again and faced his opponent. Fisto had his green lightsaber in a defensive position and stood his ground. Maul swung his lightsaber at Fisto, who dodged it easily. Fisto struck back but Maul blocked the oncoming attack with ease. Maul then slashed and hacked randomly towards the Nautolan, who lost his footing and slipped. Maul then force pushed the lightsaber out of Fisto's hand. Fisto admitted defeat and then stood up.

"You win. You win," Fisto gasped. "I will help you, but you must promise me that you will talk my brother out of it."

"I promise," Maul lied. He left the room as Fisto stared at him in awe. Darth Maul quickly exited from the temple and headed back towards his ship. He wiped the sweat from his face and rested once he reached the cockpit. He had gained an ally.

Meanwhile, on the ice planet of Hoth, Jango was trudging across the snow towards a small base. He had a DL-44 Blaster Pistol in his hands and had just killed a Wampa. Rahziid had sent him here to train for the oncoming battle, but so far Jango didn't feel like he had achieved anything. He was angry, depressed and most of all, he felt like he had chosen the wrong side.

Minutes later he reached the base. There were armies of Battle Droids training among Twi'lek Captains and several Bounty Hunters. Jango walked towards his quarters and sat down on his bed. He took off his armour and stared at it. The person who he was going to kill helped win him that armour. Jango sighed. He knew that when the time came, he would have to decide which side he would fight for. For the time being though, he would be sticking to Rahziid's side as he clearly had the better army. Jango lay on his bed and fell asleep a few moments later.

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