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Darth Maul was on his way to the planet, Polenqua, in search of a powerful rogue Jedi. He had decided against informing his master about the Jedi as Sidious would surely go against the idea. Maul landed shortly and looked around at the alien world. The entire planet consisted of only a ring of rocky islands. However, the Jedi he was looking for was not on any of the islands, since he was a Nautolan. Unlike the Nautolan Jedi, Maul could not breathe underwater and so would have to wear an oxygen mask. However, he had come prepared.

Darth Maul dived into the purple depths, in search for any signs of life. He swam further and further until he saw a large shadow in the distance, but he thought nothing of it. Deeper he went until he found a small cave at the ocean's floor. He squeezed in, causing a few loose rocks to float away.

Soon, Maul saw that the tunnel lead to a large room. Maul swam up and came up to the surface of the water. He looked around and saw that the only way back to his ship would be back the way he came. Then Maul saw the Nautolan. He was standing on a large rock, with a purple lightsaber in his left hand.

"Who are you?" asked the Nautolan. "Speak!"

"My name is Maul. I need your help," said Darth Maul.

"Why should I help you?" asked the Nautolan.

"Because I can trade you power and knowledge," said Maul. "I need help to defeat a certain force-wielder."

"I am no Jedi anymore. Consult my brother, Kit Fisto," the Nautolan said.

"Neither am I. I am a Sith," said Maul. The Nautolan pulled Maul out of the water with his force ability and flung him against the cave wall where Maul fell back into the water, cutting his arm on the rock.

"I am no Sith either," said the Nautolan. Maul didn't know what would sway him, until he remembered the mentioning of his brother.

"Your brother, Kit Fisto is also helping me. If you want to make sure he lives, you will join me," said Maul. The Nautolan considered for a moment and then suddenly lunged at Maul.

"You lie! But it doesn't matter. I will make sure you stay in this cave for the rest of your short, pitiful life. If you try to leave, the creatures here will smell your blood and feast upon your flesh," said the Nautolan as he swam out of the cave.

Maul was disappointed that he failed to recruit the Nautolan, but he had more pressing matters to deal with. He looked around the cave for anything that could help him. There was nothing as it seemed like the Nautolan didn't actually live in this cave. Maul sighed. He could still contact Sidious but he decided against it. Maul would surely be disposed of. It looked as though Maul would have to try and bandage his wound in something before he even dared to venture out into the open waters again. He had heard that there were creatures the size of  the Jedi Temple on this planet. Maul would just have to hope that somehow, he could escape with his life.

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