Left Behind

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The sun was setting on Ahch-To. Birds, the only form of life on the island, were flying back to their makeshift homes. There was no intelligent life for miles around and a decent form of travel would be even further. The ocean was calm at this time of evening, with a light zephyr making the smallest of ripples on its surface. Just as the sun disappeared and darkness fell upon the area, a single metallic hand grabbed a chunk of dirt and pulled it. The hand was attached to a person, and the person's name was Diego. He pulled himself up the tall bank of the island and spluttered water out of his mouth. He pulled himself to his feet and began ascending to the highest point of the island. The journey was tiring, but he was determined to scout the area for a possible method of transportation. Finally, after what seemed like hours he reached the top. He scanned his surroundings but had no luck in finding anything. He cursed under his breath and looked up at the bright silver moon. How could he have been so stupid as to allow himself to be left behind on this godforsaken island? He thought back on recent events. He remembered grabbing the boy, talking to Maul and the next thing he knew was that he was flung into the sea. Well he wouldn't be taking orders from Rahziid any more, no, he would track Maul down for leaving him for dead. Secondly he would find and confront his former friend and mentor, Rahziid, and kill him. He laughed out loud and lay back on the wet grass, looking up at the stars. First he would have to find a ship on this deserted place. First he must survive.

Diego woke early the next morning as it was vital that he went fishing before he grew hungry. He took out a small knife from inside his pocket and began hacking away at a nearby bush. He slashed and hacked until a few twigs came loose. Diego then tied the twigs together to form a rod and then added some old string from the bottom of his pocket. All that was needed now was some bait. He scavenged around, looking for a tiny creature until he found a small beetle which was bright red. Perfect, this would attract loads of fish. He tied the beetle to the rope and then lightly threw the line into the water to mimic a fly. After about ten minutes of waiting, Diego finally felt a small tug on the line. It wasn't much but it would certainly do for dinner. He reeled in the line slowly so as to not startle the fish. After a minute or so, Diego felt a much larger tug on the line. Diego reeled in as fast as he dared to without breaking the line. Eventually, he saw the fish fly out of the water. He then stared in horror. What he saw was a fish of no more than 12 inches inside the mouth of a 7 foot eel-like creature. The eel swallowed the fish whole and then roared. Diego backed away, looking startled as he unsheathed a sword. He was willing to fight to the end.

The whole thing happened fast, too fast. The eel dived back under the water and reappeared at the other side of the island. Diego turned and narrowly dodged a torrent of the eel's spit. He knew that the spit would be acidic, and so would burn his flesh away in an instant. Diego slashed at the eel with all of his strength and it roared in pain. It jolted towards Diego, meaning to cut him with its razor sharp teeth. The eel narrowly missed but Diego felt the eel's horns dig into his back and he screamed in agony.

"You will pay for that, slimy bastard," Rahziid shouted as he swung at the monster. His sword managed to dig deep into the eel but he couldn't get it out. Diego let go and took out two knives, one in each hand, and sliced away at his opponent. He slashed and hacked until the eel began to tire. Diego had blood streaming down his face but even with all his pain, he couldn't care less. As the eel made one last half-hearted dive towards Diego, he dodged and then got ready for the killing blow. Dagger in each hand, Diego charged forwards and stabbed the eel with both weapons. The eel groaned, spitting out a blizzard of acid as it fell to the floor in defeat. Diego fell on the soft grass and rolled to one side. In years to come, he would always remember that the worst was still to come, and he was not safe on Ahch-To anymore...

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