Jango's Concerns

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Jango awoke to see a large number of Battle Droids march past along with a Twi'lek Commander. Next to Jango's bed was his armour, which he put on, and his Blaster Pistol. As he walked into the main base area he saw four captured Gungans who were being held at gunpoint by the same Twi'lek and group of Battle Droids.

"Where are the Jedi scum hiding?" screamed the Twi'lek.

"I have no idea. I think that they are hiding out on Utapau," stammered one of the Gungans. The Twi'lek roared and battered the Gungan to death with his cleaver. He turned to the other three Gungans who were shivering.

"I won't ask again," shouted the Twi'lek.

"The Jedi are on Dagobah, seeking out a group of deadly Bounty Hunters," said another Gungan quickly. The Twi'lek turned towards the Battle Droid Commander.

"Kill the Gungans. Once you have ended their pitiful lives, report to Battalion B-64 and instruct them to invade using any means necessary," the Twi'lek ordered.

"Roger, Roger," the Droid replied as he aimed at one of the Gungans. Jango acted quickly and fired six blasts into the Battle Droid Commander. Circuits spilled all over the floor as the Twi'lek turned to face Jango.

"What the hell are you doing?" he shouted to Jango. The Twi'lek turned to the droids, "Don't just stand there, kill him!" Jango ran to cover and then fired a couple more shots. He was delighted to hear a Droid crumple to the floor. The Battle Droids fired at Jango, who narrowly dodged their shots. Jango then threw a grenade which destroyed the remaining Droids as it exploded.

The Twi'lek Commander was in fury and he battered a nearby Medical Droid to show his anger. Jango fired a few shots at the Commander who then fell to his knees.

"All this for some pitiful Gungans," said the Commander. "You may kill me but now you have an entire Army against you." Jango untied the Gungans who then ran towards some nearby ships and quickly took off. He turned just in time to see the handle of a cleaver whack him between the eyes before he fell unconscious.

Jango awoke to see that he was in a tiny room with a barred door. There were no windows and there was only some straw to sleep on. He looked through the door to see that he was in the Prison Block. There were several other cells to the left and right of his cell. Opposite him was a tired looking, blue Toydarian. Suddenly, the Twi'lek Commander come up to his cell, accompanied by two Battle Droids.

"You were unwise to leave me alive for so long," said the Twi'lek. "There will be no escape for you here. In maybe a month or so, we will feed you to the Wampas. Have fun with that slimy junk dealer, Watto, over there." The Twi'lek cackled and then looked down at his thigh where there was a giant wound from where Jango had shot him.

"Since you left me with a scar, it is only fair that I leave you with one," said the Twi'lek as he threw his cleaver at Jango's arm. The force at which the cleaver had been thrown at was so strong, it pinned Jango to the wall. Jango was stuck there. He couldn't pull the cleaver out without causing himself immense pain and potential blood loss. He despaired. Escape would be impossible.

Meanwhile, Darth Maul and a group of Gungan warriors had just landed in Felucia. Soon, Maul would make an assault on Ryloth, but Felucia would be a good starting point. Maul had managed to track Rahziid to a certain part of Felucia, but it was unlikely that he was still there. Eventually, Darth Maul arrived at Rahziid's last known whereabouts. The scene before him was utter chaos. Bodies lay everywhere and injured Twi'leks were mending their homes.

"What happened here?" asked Darth Maul.

"A powerful warrior came here to recruit the Twi'leks to his cause. Those who went against him were slaughtered. I was lucky enough to escape," said the Twi'lek. Darth Maul looked around him.

"Where did he go?" asked Maul.

"Hoth I think, but I don't know," said the Twi'lek. Darth Maul sighed. As a Zabrak, he hated the cold. It looked as though he would have to launch an assault on Hoth.

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