Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“One picture per group, one autograph per person,” a security lady told the fifteen lucky fans the rules for Club Red as they shifted anxiously, ready to meet their idol.

With my help, we chose fifteen lucky superfans. I had chosen real fans, going around, asking questions a little bit before signaling for Mama Swift to give them bracelets. Management had been choosing nonfans and I was set on making sure that didn’t happen again. Not on my watch.

Finally, we all rose and headed backstage. Tremors of excitement rippled through the group of Swifties as we got closer and closer.

“Thank you so much!” a girl who looked about twelve told me.

I grinned, “No problem! I have always wanted to go to Club Red. I haven’t ever been there… so this is exciting for me too!”

“You get to be on tour with Taylor though!” she told me and I smiled.

“Yes, that is true. I am very lucky,” I said as we entered the Club Red room.

“Can I have a picture with you?” the girl… I think her name was Maria, asked me.

“Sure!” I said, shocked. “Let’s go to the photo booth!”

We went over to the Diet Coke photo booth and took lots of crazy pictures. I loved taking silly pictures. And having someone to take silly pictures with.

“Sign them please?” Maria asked after we climbed out.

I grabbed a sharpie and signed my name, making it look awkward- it wasn’t like I had practiced my signature. She grinned and then… Taylor walked in. Immediately, she went and got busy talking to fans. Taylor was so amazing. Eventually, Taylor made her way over to Maria.

“Hi, sweetie! I see you’ve met Maia!” Taylor said, hugging Maria.

I smiled, letting Maria have some alone time with Taylor which was something that probably every Swiftie dreamed of- something I wasn’t about to ruin. I went over and grabbed a slice of pizza, biting into it. I loved the pizza they had in Club Red. I didn’t know why it tasted so good, it just did.

“Hey, Maia! I loved your songs!” a girl said, interrupting me wolfing down another piece of pizza.

I blushed, quickly finishing the bite I had in my mouth, “Hi! Sorry, I’m hungry, And thank you!”

“Can we have a picture!” she asked and I smiled.

“Sure!” I posed and she snapped a picture on her iPhone.

“Thank you for inviting us to Club Red!” she exclaimed, her two friends nodding along.

“No problem!” I grinned, “Club Red is something we all want and I saw that you deserved it!”

An hour later everyone had left Club Red and it was time for us to go back to our hotel.

“You ready?” Taylor asked.

“Yeah, just a sec,” I replied, going out onto the stage and looking out into the stands.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Taylor came up behind me.

“I… I was so lucky to be in the crowd, watching you,” I began, “I never dreamed I’d get any closer than second row.”

“The best things happen to those who are patient and to those who are thankful,” she told me, slinging her arm around my shoulders.

“This still feels like a dream,” I shook my head.

“Come on, we have to sleep. We have another concert here tomorrow night,” Taylor said and we turned, walking back to backstage together.

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