Chapter Sixteen

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The sterile linoleum floors made me shoes squeak as I ran in, frantically looking around. When I was little, I always had nightmares about hospitals when I was little. Cold, sterile walls, intimidating needles, doctors coming towards me. It was some scary stuff. 

"I'm here for Taylor Swift," I spoke frantically at the front desk. 

She looked at me, "Close friends and family only. Sorry." 

"I am a close friend. Do you not know?!?! I need to see Taylor!!" I exclaimed, all of this was making me stressed. 

"Sorry m'am-" the lady began before Andrea came up behind me. 

"She's a close friend. With me," she said and the lady nodded. 

Andrea led me through a tangle of halls until we got to one in the far back corner. Andrea let me go in and I rushed to Taylor's bed. She was sleeping, her blond curls a tangled mess, tubes hooked up to her. 

"They got the bullet out, she's just hooked up to all those machines and stuff for extra precaution," Andrea told me. 

I nodded, tears springing to my eyes, "She'll be okay, though, right?"

"Of course, sweetie," Andrea came up beside me and hugged me, "Thank you. So much. For everything." 

I shook my head, "It was nothing. Nothing compared to what Taylor has done for me... She saved me." 

"And you saved her," Andrea told me, kissing the top of my head. 

I smiled, looking at my idol lying in the hospital bed. Taylor was going to be okay. 

"She'll probably be sleeping a few more hours... do you want to go home and rest?" 

I shook my head, "No, it' s okay. I'll just sit here." I said, sinking into a chair and pulling out my phone. 

I went on Instagram and Twitter and saw a ton of comments and mentions asking if Taylor was okay. I tweeted

@manderson13: Taylor is fine!! I'll make sure she knows you love her xx

Immediately tweets came streaming back, ones of relief. I posted the same thing on Instagram and smiled. Now that the Swifties could breathe again, it was time to get some rest. I curled up in the chair and fell asleep. 

Three Hours Later... 

My back hurt. My legs hurt. My everything hurt. I hurt. This bed wasn't comfortable... that's because it wasn't... a bed... Oh. Chair. My eyes blinked open and I grimaced. Pain. Ouch. I don't recommend sleeping in a hospital chair because it's not fun. 

"Maia?" I heard a voice call my name and I looked around to see... Taylor. Taylor awake!! 

"Taylor!" I exclaimed, trying to run over to her but instead falling out of the chair, standing up, and falling again. 

"Oh my god, Maia! Are you okay?" Taylor asked, concern clear in her voice. 

"I'm fabulous!" I grinned, finally managing to stumble over to the side of her bed. "How are you?" 

"Great," she said, wincing when she tried to move. 

"Are you in pain? Should I call the nurse? I'll call your mom-" I said hurriedly, tripping over my words. 

"Maia, I'm fine, I'm fine," she laughed lightly, smiling. 

Andrea walked in and smiled, "I see you've finally waken up, Maia." 

"Yeah... sleeping in a chair isn't exactly comfortable so I suggest you don't do it." 

She laughed and I smiled, everything was going to be okay. 

"Swifties have been worried sick about you," I told her. 

She smiled, "I love you. A lot." 

"I love you. A lot," I replied. 

"Just got the doctor's evaluation, Taylor, you're free to go!" Andrea said, as nurses came in and unhooked Taylor from the tubes. 

Taylor smiled and attempted to stand up, stumbling slightly. I caught her and we stumbled out of the room and into the halls. Twenty minutes later we were finally in the car. Yes, it took twenty minutes. WIth Taylor stumbling and the paparazzi, it was a mess. 

"Let's go home," Taylor said, smiling. 

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