Chapter Fifteen

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I took a deep breath, intently watching people run around the house, coming up to me asking questions. Was I sure that's where Taylor was? Why would I know? How did I know? I answered their questions absentmindedly, I was positive. I knew because I was a fangirl and had taken notice of where Taylor and Joe went during their relationship. I sighed after like the five-hundreth police officer asked me the same question and stood up. 

"Okay, hate to interrupt in all this chaos but... when are we going to get Taylor???" I asked, looking around. 

"We'll send a team out now," a police officer told me, picking up a walkie-talkie. 

"I'm going with them," I said, grabbing my phone. 

"I don't think that's such a good idea," the police officer told me. 

"I don't care. I need to be there when we rescue Taylor," I said, staring at him. 

"I..." he said, unsure of what to do, eyes flickering towards Andrea.

"Sweetie, the best thing you can do is stay here. Stay safe. For Taylor," Andrea said, trying to hug me.

"No!" I exclaimed, "I am going to be THERE. A friendly face in all of this, Taylor will NEED this," I said, escaping Andrea's hug. 

She sighed, "Fine, let her go. BUt I want officers by her at all times." 

The officer nodded, lifting up a hand and motioning for two more to come over. 

We exited the mansion and got in squad cars and started driving. I pulled out my phone and put in ear buds, listening to "Safe and Sound." 

"I'm coming for you, Taylor," I whispered, smiling. "You'll be safe and sound." 

"Maia, stay in the car," the officer told me, breaking me from my thoughts. We were here. I nodded mutely, staring at the building. 

It had been an old coffee shop that had gone out of business. It had been Taylor and Joe's top hangout spot. 

The officers closed in and I watched as they kicked down the door. I took a deep breath, shaking. Taylor... Taylor... 

Bang! Bang! I heard gunshots. Instantly, I jumped out of the car, starting to run. Two officers immediately ran after me, grabbing me. 

"Miss, you cannot go in there." they said, restraining me. 

"I CAN'T NOT," I screamed, tears starting to run down my face. "Taylor!" I called in vain. 

Fear and adrenaline coursed through my body as thoughts swirled around in my head. My everything... she had to be okay. She just had to. 

Tears blurred my eye sight as an ambulance pulled up. WHAT. Taylor!!! I screamed, a loud, deranged noise coming out of my throat. A person was wheeled out on a stretcher and my heart collapsed. 

"TAYLOR????" I screamed, pulling against my human restraints. 

SUddenly, another person came out. A shock of blonde hair, blue eyes filled with tears. 

"Taylor!!!!" I yelled, finally bursting free from my restraints and running to her. "TAYLOR OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?? I LOVE YOU, THANK GOD YOU'RE SAFE!!!" 

"Maia, oh my God, why are you here???" Taylor embraced me, crying. 

"I needed to be here when they rescued you... are you okay?" I asked, hugging her. 

She winced and looked down at her stomach. Blood. Oh, no. 

"You got shot!" I exclaimed, fear in my eyes. 

"It's fine, I'm going to the hospital now, I'll be okay," she told me, kissing me on the top of the head before they ushered her into an ambulance too. 

I turned to an officer, "Take me to the hospital. Now." 

"Yes, Miss Maia," he said, sighing. 

I pulled out my phone and dialed Andrea. 

She answered on the first ring, "Maia!!! Are you okay? They told me about Taylor, I'm going to the hospital now." 

I smiled, "I'm fine and I'm making one of the officers take me to the hospital too, see you there?"

"See you, sweetie. Thank you so much and I love you." 

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