Chapter 14

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A/N:  hey everyone its Chapter 14:D im doing good with the uploading if I do say so myself:D

I hope you like chapter 14 and will VOTE:D


I shook my head yes and I wrote in the three t’s. it continued like this until the board had ‘ I’m __eg_a_t a_d  ___  a_e the _athe_’ when he had got the last leg so he doesn’t get any more options as he had guessed ‘z’ as his last one.

“Fuck, damn why can’t you tell me?”

I erased everything to write ‘no more guesses, you don’t get to find out until I get my voice back’

“Fine im out of here.” Hayden said as he slammed out of the hospital room.

I fell back to sleep afterwards hoping that the next time I do wake up that my voice would be back or I have my phone so that I can text things instead of writing and erasing every time I wanna say something different.



I was at the cliffs, I was a little girl, I was sitting and watching the waves hit the rocks below, it was a peaceful day, that was until someone came up behind me and screamed ‘BOO’ I screamed and fell forwards to be freefalling into the rushing waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

I screamed and woke up just as the little girl went into the water. I had sweat dripping down my body, and the heart monitor was going crazy as my heart beat was beating fast. I took some deep breaths to try and calm my heart beat.

I looked around me to see that it was dark and visiting hours must be over. I thought that before I looked around to find a figure asleep in the chair next to my hospital bed. It looked as if it could be Jason or Jayden. I couldn’t tell it was so dark. I looked next to me at what looked like a bedside table to find a cell phone laying on it, with the box under it. I reached to grab it without any trouble.

Once I had the phone in my hands I turned it on. It made the noise as it did. It awoke the person lying in the chair next to me. Opps guess I shouldn’t have turned it on.

“Hey what are you doing up so late?” a male voice that sounded very similar to Jason’s said

Once the phone was loaded up I open a new message to text ‘I had a nightmare, who is this? I can’t tell in the dark.’

I turned it around for him to read.

“Its Jason, and im sorry what was your nightmare about..?” he asked

I texted ‘I was a little girl and that I fell off of a cliff, that’s all I remember before I woke up screaming, im kind of glad I don’t have my voice back, because it would of woken you if a sound had came out of my mouth.’ This time I actually sent the message to his phone.

He received the message and he read it.

“Oh wow that’s scary, and you still can’t talk yet?”

Umm no I can’t, which sucks because I have to tell Hayden something, and do you know why my parents or D.C haven’t came to see me yet? I texted him that

“Im sorry I hope you can get your voice back, what do you have to tell Hayden I can tell him for you if you want me to. And your parents and my parents went somewhere, and D.C hasn’t really been paying attention to anyone lately.”

Oh okay well Im thirsty can you get me some water, oh and can you get the doctor I need to speak with him. I sent the message.

“Yea I can, hold on.” Jason said as he walked out of the hospital room.

I wanna know am I having a girl or a boy, or maybe one of each.. Wait when can you tell if you’re pregnant with twins if your only 6 weeks. I opened the internet on my phone and went to Google and searched ‘how far along in a pregnancy will you find out if you have more the one fetus in the womb?’ I waited for a few waiting for the search answers, I clicked on the first one and it said several decades ago, most women who were pregnant with multiples didn't find out until they were in labor. But such late-term surprises are rare today.

Women typically discover they're having more than one baby during a routine ultrasound, often in the first trimester. Your practitioner will likely recommend an ultrasound in your first trimester if you're unusually large for your gestation date. The most likely explanation is that you or your practitioner miscalculated your conception date.’

 That would be awesome if I could have one of each. I’ve always wanted a little girl and a little boy and the fact that I might just be able to have two, well it depends of if Hayden’s sperm fertilized with  my eggs, I just want the sonogram technician to hurry up and get in here to do the sonogram. I really wanna find out now if im having twins.. maybe im having more, but im kind of small for being six weeks with a possibility of twins, because Hayden has twins in his blood line maybe he helped us get twins.

Wow I cant believe im pregnant and its Hayden’s. he was my first, second and third another way of saying I haven’t slept with anyone besides him. I was going to wait till I was married or at least out of high school so I could go to college and make something of myself but that’s over now, im going to take care of my baby or babies however many we end up with, ill love them all.

The doctor came in. interrupting my mind rambling. this time I used the white board he had given me to talk to him, because I didn’t have his number to text him. I wrote on the board ‘I know its kind of late and all, but I was wondering if you could do the sonogram now? Ive been wanting to know what im having, ive been told you can find out in the first trimester.  So I wanna take it now.’ I showed him the board

“umm I could probably do it, but I don’t really know how to do a sonogram, and the sonogram technician went home. So I cant exactly promise you that I can tell you what your having, I can just show you what it looks like and how much It weighs possibly.”

I erased what was on the board and I wrote ‘ okay, yes that’d be amazing, but the guy that came out and got you; Jason, he doesn’t know that im pregnant so i was wondering could you keep him out of here when you do it?’ I showed him the board.

“yes I can, ill go get the equipment and have him go home and rest or something like that.”

I nodded my head yes.

He  left the room. About ten minutes later Dr. Sumter walked back in, with the sonogram machine. He set it all up and then told me to just sit up some.

I sat up and after he had the machine set up he turned it on and put the gel stuff on the stick thingy he then put it on my lower stomach. It was freezing! I shivered some.

“im sorry its always cold, but look you can see the head of the baby.”

I looked omg is this amazing to be looking at. He kept moving the stick around my stomach when he gasped.

I looked at him with alarm clearly written on my face, he must have noticed because the next thing he said was….

“you’re having --- the hospital room door opened to reveal……




im a street fighter, oh and i might have to marry the first son?! (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now